When you start a big project, you always need a plan. Building a web site is no different. The list below covers only a few of the things we think people would like or maybe ought to know about East Liverpool, Ohio.
Do you have suggestions? Why not email us at: timothybrookeslaw@gmail.com
We have noticed that sometimes when you click on the email address above it is a little slow in providing you a email blank to fill in. If that happens to you give it a minute to respond. Thanks, Webmaster-EastLiverpoolHistoricalSociety.
One family presented: Two Teenagers graduated high school 100 years ago this year. Them, their school, their times in ELO
As a bit of a bridge between the military section and the sports seciton.
This site is the property of the East Liverpool Historical Society.
Regular linking, i.e. providing the URL of the East Liverpool Historical Society web site for viewers to click on and be taken to the East Liverpool Historical Society entry portal or to any specific article on the website is legally permitted.
Hyperlinking, or as it is also called framing, without permission is not permitted.
Legally speaking framing is still in a murky area of the law though there have been court cases in which framing has been seen as violation of copyright law. Many cases that were taken to court ended up settling out-of-court with the one doing the framing agreeing to cease framing and to just use a regular link to the other site.
The East Liverpool Historical Society pays fees to keep their site online.
A person framing the Society site is effectively presenting the entire East Liverpool Historical Society web site as his own site and doing it at no cost to himself, i.e. stealing the site.
The East Liverpool Historical Society reserves the right to charge such an
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