A couple old fashioned light fixtures. Courtesy of Kimberly Mitchell.
Courtesy of Kimberly Mitchell.
The above pictures should all be the third floor of the Thompson Building. Courtesy of Kimberly Mitchell.
This and the next picture was taken probably on the third floor of the Lowe Building.
Courtesy of Kimberly Mitchell.
Courtesy of Kimberly Mitchell.
Looking though a window into another room in the Thompson Building. Courtesy of Juanita Ruffner.
So many doorways, so many choices. :O) Courtesy of Juanita Ruffner.
You probably will not find a light fixture like this these days. Courtesy of Juanita Ruffner.
Like most buildings we have been in that were built in East Liverpool in the very late 1800s and early 1900s this one too had great woodwork in places. Courtesy of Juanita Ruffner.
Spartan kitchens. Courtesy of Juanita Ruffner.
July 11, 2011, two days after Juanita, Matt, Jeff and the EL Historical Society took pictures in the upper floors of the Thompson Building Jeff returns to photograph the basement of the building. Courtesy of Jeff Langdon
He begins with the office on the first floor. Courtesy of Jeff Langdon.
Parts of the ceiling and walls of the first floor office
First floor office. Courtesy of Jeff Langdon
Courtesy of Jeff Langdon.
Stairway from first floor front office and basement. Courtesy of Jeff Langdon.
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