In the mid 1980s the Historical Society contracted William Gates, head of the Museum of Ceramics, to write a book about East Liverpool and the Pottery industry.
The City of Hills and Kilns: Life and Work in East Liverpool, Ohio (Hardcover) by William C. Gates
A promotion for the book which appeared in the 17th Annual Tri-State Pottery Festival Booklet, East Liverpool Sesquicentennial 1834-1984, 1984 Plate Turner's Handbook, June 14, 15, 16, 1964. Note the price. NOTE: The contact person, the phone number and the PO box number as given in the picture above is no longer valid. Do not use.
The above is a picture of the cover of the book as it appears now.
The book has been out of print since the original printing in 1985. Copies have been hard to come by and those that do show up from time to time on places like Ebay and, or the local Antique Mall have had unbelievable prices. From 200.00 to one I saw listed at 600.00. I don't know if it sold at that price but it was listed at that price.
Recently the Historical Society in cooperation of the Kent State/EL Archival Project have digitized that book and put it on CD and will be offering it for sale to anyone interested in having a copy
The cover of the CD. The digitized CD of the entire book, text and pictures, with added special features such as a word search feature and others. This CD only works on a computer. It will not work in a DVD/CD player for your television.
The finished CDs have arrived and are now in stock ready to be mailed to anyone wishing to order any by mail, or to buy locally. The price per CD will be $19.95 plus $2.00 for shipping. To order by mail send your check or M.O. for $21.95 per CD (Ohio residents should add $1.40 state sales tax) along with your name, street address, city/town and zip code to:
East Liverpool Historical Society
PO Box 476
East Liverpool, Ohio 43920
Locally the CDs are presently available for purchase at the Museum of Ceramics as well as the Antique Mall in East Liverpool, Ohio. Also plans are in the works for making them available at a EL Historical Society booth during the All Class Reunion In the meantime they will also be available at the Thompson House whenever the House is open for tours.
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