This article is based on page 59 of Titus' 1870 Atlas of Columbiana County. |
This item is simply the digitalized information on a map from 1877 which was found in the Columbiana County Engineers office. In its full size, there are small replicas of the buildings on each property that had been developed up to that time. From the name of the map, one could surmise that it was developed by a fire insurance company doing business in the area.
The list of businesses below appears on the lower left side of the map labeled "East Liverpool Business Directory." The editor suspects that perhaps it was used as an advertising piece charging each business for the listing and accompanying copy. Some of the names and copy were indecipherable due to the copying. Best guess is indicated by square brackets [].
Anyone familiar with ELO will probably recognise a lot of names even today.
East Liverpool Business Directory. | ||
Merchants.[?Josiah] Thompson, Dealer In Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, and General Merchandise. [??] Frederick & Son, Dealer in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, and Ladies' and Gentleman's Furnishing Goods, and General Merchandise, cor. Of Second and Peach Streets. [??] Hamble, Dealer in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Fancy Notions, and General Merchandise, Second Street bet. Broadway and Washington, near City Hotel. A. Viney & Co., Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, and General Merchandise also Manufacturer of Stoneware, Washington Street, bet. Fourth and Fifth Streets. Merchant Tailors and Clothiers.[?W]. L. Deidrick, Merchant Tailor and Dealer in Ready-Made Clothing, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Broadway bet. Cook Street and Railroad. [B]lackmore & Simms, Merchant Tailors and Dealers in Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Second Street bet. Broadway and Union Streets. Groceries.[W].E. Hazlett & Co., Wholesale Grocers and Dealers in Flour, Grain, and Produce, Broadway bet. Cook and Railroad Streets. [Kiti] & Davidson, Dealers in Groceries, Glass, and Queensware, Mackerel, and White Fish, Beet Brands of family Flour, and Country Produce in General. Second Street, East Liverpool, Ohio. Tinners and Stove Dealers.[W]m. Wilson, Manufacturer of Tinware, Sheet-Iron, Brass and Copperware. Also Dealer in all kinds of Stoves. Repairing promptly attended to, Broadway bet. Cook Street and Railroad. [T]. Keffer, Tinner and Manufacturer of and Dealer in all kinds of Tin, Sheet-Iron, and Copperware. Repairing promptly attended to. Shop on Washington Street, near Railroad. |
Potteries.[Yo]st, Hardwick & Co., Manufacturers of Rockingham and Yellow Ware, Air-Tight Fruit Jars, &c.., cor. of Walnut and Robinson Streets, East Liverpool. Vodrey & Brother, Manufacturers of Rockingham,Yellow, and Variegated Enamelled Queensware, cor. of College and Robinson Streets, East Liverpool. Salamander Pottery Works, Morley, Godwin, & Flenke, Manufacturers of Rockingham and cane-colored Queensware. Orders accompanied by approved references promptly attended to. East Liverpool Pottery Works, established In 1854. Isaac W. Knowles, Manufacturer of Rockingham and Yellow Ware, Air-Tight Fruit Jars, &c., East Liverpool, Ohio. T. Rigby & Co., Successors to Foster & Rigby, Manufacturers of Rockingham and Yellow Queensware, Air- Tight Fruit Jars, &c., cor. of Broadway and Forrest Streets, East Liverpool. Novelty Pottery Works, A. J. Marks & Co., Proprietors, Manufacturers of Rockingham and Yellow Queensware, Broadway, cor. of Forrest Street, East Liverpool. Agner, Foutts A Co., Manufacturers of Rockingham and Yellow Queensware, Air-Tight Fruit Jars, &c., cor. of Second and Washington Streets, East Liverpool. Eagle Pottery Works, S. & W. Baggott, Proprietors, Manufacturers of all kinds of cane-colored and Rockingham Queensware, Air-Tight Fruit Jars, &c., East Liverpool. Manley, Cartwright & Co., Manufacturers of all kinds of Rockingham and Yellow Queensware, Air-Tight Fruit Jars, &c., East Liverpool. Etruria Pottery Works, George S. Harker A Co., Manufacturers of all kinds of cane-colored, sagecolored, and Rockingham Queensware, Sealing Jars for Fruit, Terra Cotta Chimney Tops, and Encaustic Flooring Tiles, East Liverpool. Phoenix Pottery Works, W.M. Brunt, Jr., & Co., Manufacturers of Rockingham and Yellow Ware, Walnut St., East Liverpool. McDevitt, Cochran & Co., Manufacturers of Rockingham and Yellow Queensware, Air-Tight Fruit Jars, &c., East Liverpool, Ohio. Star Stoneware Pottery, N. M. Simms & Co., Manufacturers of Stoneware, Air-Tight Fruit Jars, Improved Drop and Butter Pots, Milk Pans, Hanging Baskets, Stove Tubs, &c. &c., East Liverpool, Ohio. Coal Dealers.G. Green, Coal Dealer, office and residence cor. of Walnut and Robinson Streets, East Liverpool. Jos. Larkins, Dealer in Coal, office No. 10 Washington Street, East Liverpool. |
Planing Mills and Sawmills.McIntosh & Brothers, Proprietors of Planing Mill, and Manufacturers of Sash Doors, Blinds, Flooring and Siding, Moulding, &c. Scroll and re-sawing done to order. Yard and Mill cor. of Market and Sixth Streets. Liverpool Steam Saw and Planing Mills, George & Smith, Proprietors, Dealers is Sawed Lumber, Finishing Lumber, Flooring, Siding, Shingles, &c, Scroll work of all kinds, and planing done to order. Miscellaneous.Wm. Brunt & Son, Manufacturers of Mineral Door Knobs, &c., First Street, fronting Ohio River. H. R. Hill, Attorney-st-Law, residence S. W. cor. of College and Cook Streets. S. C. Hill, Notary Public, office and residence cor. of Second and Peach Streets. J. W. Smith, Superintendent for W. Brunt, Jr., & Co., Walnut bet. Cook and Robinson Streets. E. Bradshaw, Editor and Proprietor of East Liverpool Democrat. J. M. Connell, Professional Teacher, residence on Sec. 33. W. H. Gaston, Dealer in Plain and Fancy Furniture, Picture Frames, Looking-Glasses, and Wall Paper, Window Shades, and Fixtures, and Floor Oil Cloths, opposite City Hotel. J. Coburn, Physician and Surgeon, office and residence on Sec. 34, Liverpool Street. Gaston & Bro., Dealers in Hardware and Drugs, cor. Union and Second Streets, East Liverpool. B. Walper, Proprietor of East Liverpool Bakery and Confectionery, and Dealer in Cigars and Tobacco; Second and Union Streets. G. Pepin, Watchmaker and Jeweller, and Dealer in American and Foreign Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, [undecipherable] Ware, and Fancy Goods generally, Fourth Street, near new school-house, East Liverpool. T. P. George, Real Estate Broker. A. Bratt, Stonemason, Stonecutter, and Contractor. M. Hilbert, Proprietor of City Hotel, Second Street Railroad Station, East Liverpool. Wm. Croxall, Proprietor of XX Saloon, cor. of Second and Washington Streets. J. M. Webber, Carpenter and Cabinetmaker. Coffins and Trimmings constantly on hand. Shop on [missing] Street, bet. Washington and Market Streets. J. Croxall, Butcher and Stock Trader. Shop and ret [missing words] Third Street, bet. Market and Jackson Streets. J. J. Purinton, Blacksmith. Horse-shoeing and repairs promptly attended to. Shop on Fourth Street, one door west of Market Street. T. Smith, Stock Trader, res. on Section 36. W. S. George, Proprietor of Steam Cask Factory all kinds of Wood Turning, executed on order, Walnut Street, East Liverpool. J. G. Koontz, Proprietor of Tannery, and Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of Leather. Cash paid for hides. Kountz's Station, P. and C. Railroad. [missing word] address, Wellsville, Ohio. A. J. Boyee & Co., Manufacturers of Portable and Stationary Engines, of the latest improved styles. We make Semer Pipes and Pottery Machines of all [missing word] on reasonable terms, and short notice. We are prepared for making all kinds of castings; our p [missing words] are all new, and of the latest and most improved styles. |
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