John Q Public i.e. citizens of ELO share some of the blame too. Most if not all of the above are gone. Gone because of malls, TV, movie rentals, and so on. People stopped going to the local theaters and owners couldn't make enough to pay their costs, let alone make a profit.. The interstate system made it easy for people to travel to Steubenville,, Boardman, Monaca to malls to shop, Voters didn't always support recommendation that the studies suggested.
The Ceramic Theater closed for the above reasons, the couldn't make enough money to meet expenses and make a profit. There were discussions about purchasing the lot and building a parking garage. That never happened.
This was common on the sidewalks of East Liverpool in the 40's 50's even into the 60's and and at least early 70's at times. It was especially common during the holiday season and year around on Saturdays when stores were open late. But business owners decided they would prefer having more time off on weekends so they changed shopping hours making Thursday as the late shopping day and Saturday just a regular shopping hours. That turned out to have been a big mistake.
Moving the High School complex from the downtown had a negative impact on the downtown.
Not sure of the exact date of this photo but it was before the 1974 Washington Street fire.
A downtown Mall was suggested. The Evening Review Fri. Jan. 19, 1973
The Evening Review Sat Feb 3, 1973.
One thing that has to be understood is towns and even cities cannot afford major undertakings all by themselves. They need monies from other sources, the Federal Government, Perhaps state governments, raising local taxes., etc. That often times is why some projects never get the the discussion stage to reality.
I could post a lot of newspaper articles explaining why it never happened. But if a person is really that interested let me know and I can find some
The Evening Review, Sat. March 2, 1974 Courtesy of Matt Stewart, who gave me the four scrap Books his uncle had together from 1947 to 1974
The Evening Review, Sat. March 9, 1974 Courtesy of Matt Stewart, who gave me the four scrap Books his uncle had together from 1947 to 1974
The Evening Review, Sat. March 23, 1874 Courtesy of Matt Stewart, who gave me the four scrap Books his uncle had together from 1847 to 1974
We had a Bus Terminal for local buses and interstate buses such as Greyhound.
We had a very good bus system for a good many years but that came to a end eventually and was never replaced by any other public transit. system. That hurt the area.
The Closing of the Chester Bridge. Wednesday, May 14, 1969 The long delays in replacing it had a big negative impact on the Tri-stste area.
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