Mallory Waggle, courtesy of Mallory Waggle.
On Wednesday afternoon, January 9, 2013, we had the pleasure of meeting, in person, and interviewing Mallory Waggle who was home from Akron University on Christmas Break. The interview took place in the museum portion of the East Liverpool High School Alumni Association Building, affectionately known as "The Tower".
We had watched Mallory play basketball for the ELHS Lady Potters for three years and had enjoyed her skill on the basketball court.
We picked the title because Mallory isn't a tall girl. I believe she is only 5'2" but that didn't matter to her, she played big.
We do apologize. We do not have any volleyball actions pics of Mallory.
At East Liverpool, Emily Reed enters her second season with the Potters' after leading the team to a 7-win improvement in her first campaign. Reed returns three seniors, led by standout Mallory Waggle, who look to lead the program to new heights.
"We have high goals and we've challenged the girls to get better," Reed said. "We have three senior returning starters that have the experience you need. They're going to help the younger players with the transition from jayvee to varsity."
Waggle - a first-team All-County performer last year - leads a group that already has three years of starting experience under their belts.
"You want her on the floor at all times," Reed said of Waggle. "She's lightning fast and has great shot selection. She's always the first one to pick up her teammates. She's a dedicated athlete and a great student as well."
Fact Box
2011 All-Review Preseason Team
Mallory Waggle East Liverpool Sr.
The Review says The 5-foot-2 point guard is the catalyst for the Potters offensive attack. Waggle is at her best driving to the basket, but also has ability to knock down outside shots. Plays with high energy level, inspiring her teammates.
Girls Basketball Season Preview
With several standouts gone, different stars ready to emerge
November 29, 2012
By PAUL EDGAR ( , The Review
The girls high school basketball season won't have the same feel to it this year.
Gone are the familiar faces of Wellsville's Mikyla Tipton, Oak Glen's Payden Eckleberry and East Liverpool's Mallory Waggle in what was one of the best senior classes in recent memory.
Tipton averaged nearly 20 points per game and became the Tigers' all-time leading scorer. Eckleberry led her team in points, assists and steals capping a stellar career with another trip to Charleston. Waggle paced a Potters' squad that started the season 9-1, while Allie Bangor highlighted a Beaver Local team that graduated its top four scores.
District 5 basketball all-star game is Friday staff report Posted Mar 27, 2012 @ 12:24 AM
A number of the area’s top basketball seniors will take to the floor for a final time Friday when the District 5 Basketball Coaches Association All-Star games will be held at Indian Valley High School. The girls game will start at 6:30 with the boys game to follow.
Teams, coaches and scholar athletes are as follows:
Girls: East–Allie Bangor, Beaver Local; Whittni Davidson, Mallory Waggle, East Liverpool; Kristin Prokopakis, Savannah Snyder, Edison; Madison Richards, Brooke Shultz, Harrison Central; Chelsea Russell, Conotton Valley; Tessa Sanders, Carrollton; Courtney Standiford, Tuscarawas Central Catholic.
Coaches–Emily Reed, East Liverpool; Nick Yourkovich, Harrison Central.
Scholar athlete–Mallory Waggle, East Liverpool.
Historical Society: Are you ready?
Mallory Waggle: Sure (laughter) I've never really done one of these before. See how it goes.
H.S. When and why do you recall developing an interest in playing sports?
M.W. Basically ever since I was little my parents were really into sports and they really kind of pushed me and my little brother to play and do whatever we wanted. We tried out soccer and basketball. My little brother did baseball and stuff, so we tried a lot of different things. Basketball was kind of the thing that stuck with me. So yeah, when we were little we were just about always into sports. It's just how we grew up.
H.S. How did you develop your skills?
M.W. Probably when I was about five, I played for the Y, like in the Y league. My dad was my coach and I was just playing there. When I got old enough, I played for the Little Lady Potters. My dad was a coach there too.
Little Lady Potters days.
H.S. What grade were you in or what year was it? How old were you then?
M.W. I think it was about the 5th grade, 4th or 5th grade that I started playing for the Little Lady Potters.
H.S. That was a Y thing or a school thing?
M.W. It was kind of a school thing. It was just basically that we got uniforms and stuff and parents just volunteered to coach and we had a little league. It was kind of like almost church league, we played some church league teams.
H.S. Oh ok. We are always curious how people developed their skill at dribbling: How did you or when did you first learn to dribble a basketball and how did you develop that skill you have at it?
M.W. Dribbling? Just practice; just always have a ball in your hand. I slept with a basketball for a long time. Just to get the feel of the ball. You just have so much control when you're familiar with it. Seriously, just dribbling constantly. I would dribble in my living room all the time. Practice, lots of practice.
H.S. Would you consider yourself competitive?
M.S. Yeah, to a point. If I know it's a big game and I know I have to do something specific, I am very competitive; I want to get the job done and I want to win. But if it's something I'm just kind of like AAAAH, not too concerned about then I'm not too super competitive. I don't know; it depends I guess.
H.S. I'm sure the coaches like that, (laughter).
M.W. (laughter) Oh yeah, not too much (laughter). I'm really laid back.
H.S. It has been said that there is a desire to play, that there is a desire to win and they aren't always the same. Some just want to play and some people want to play but also they want to win, that playing alone isn't good enough. Would you agree or disagree with that?
M.W. Yes, I completely agree. Going back to the competitive thing, I just love playing. I love being out there playing with my friends. The whole team thing. It's obviously awesome to win but if we lost, okay, we'll get the next one.
H.S. What grade where you in when you began playing any kind of organized sports in school?
M.W. Seventh grade
H.S. That was basketball?
M.W. Yeah, and volleyball. Those were my two sports that I played in high school as well. I ran track for a little bit, a short period of time in middle school.
Back Row-Head Coach Bob Shansky, Sarah Guthrie, Whitney Davidson, Kelly Kiger
Front Row-Taylor Ward, Taylar Jordan, Kelsie Wymer, Mallory Waggle, Morgan Campbell, Jordan Adkins, Allison English.
2010 Volleyball team.
H.S. How many letters did you earn?
M.W. I think I ended up with six.
H.S. Which sports did you like best?
M.W. I have to say volleyball but lately I've been rethinking it because during high school, I loved playing volleyball but just because of the fact, we were good and I was playing with literally all of my best friends. We had fantastic times so it was an enjoyable season. But then basketball--obviously it was my sport, the one that I excelled in. So thinking back now, I think I had a better time with basketball just because that was one of the only things I was ever good at.
H.S. I went to a few volleyball games but I preferred basketball.
M.W. Yeah, yeah. It depends on the person.
H.S. I didn't understand the scoring and the rules.
M.W. It's tricky but it's a fun sport to play though.
H.S. You had no interest in spring sports at all in high school?
M.W. Like I said, in middle school, I ran track. Now looking back, I wish I would've kept running in high school. But, at the time, I was just worn out from basketball and volleyball. I did play Junior Olympic volleyball in the spring. Its club volleyball for 4 years in the spring.
H.S. We did our homework this morning:
H.S 2010-11 Girls Basketball
All-Review Team
First Team
H.S. Someone by the name of Mallory.
M.W. I think that's me (Laughter).
Maggie Mallory(11), Whittni Davidson(23), Kelsie Wymer (21).(Photo by Aaron Petchal -- Review Feb 22, 2011)
Class AAAA
Honorable Mention
Mallory Waggle.
H.S. Eastern All-District Basketball
Division II
Second Team
Mallory Waggle.
H.S. AP Girls All-Ohio Basketball Teams
Division II
Honorable Mention
Mallory Waggle.
H.S. Sounds like a number of people agree, you were pretty good.
M.W. Yeah! It was, half of those, having the recognitions I got I was like shocked. Because I, I never had like too much confidence but like, you know and so when I would read something in the paper my mom would be like oh you made this team, I be like, really, like, that's pretty cool though.
H.S. Now the next year, not as many mentions.
2011-2012 ELHS Sports Season
All Review Volleyball
Second Team
Mallory Waggle.
That was the really big year for the volleyball team wasn't it.
M.W. Yeah. My senior volleyball season, we made it to the Elite 8. We were the only volleyball team at East Liverpool high school to do that.
H.S. Girls basketball: 2011-2012 Girls Basketball, All-Review Team, First Team, Mallory Waggle. The 2011-2012 Associated Press Eastern All-District Girls Basketball Team, Third Team, Mallory Waggle. The team record was 13-7. That was last year, right?
M.W. Yeah, that was our best record in a while.
H.S. I remember that the season started out really good. At one point, you were 9-1 then things got rough for a while. What happened?
M.W. I don't know. We did start out really well. I have a scrapbook, I was actually just looking through it this morning and reading articles and we did, we started out really well. I don't even remember who it was, it might have been Poland when we got our first loss and it kind of, we went on a little losing streak from then on. We didn't fall apart too much, maybe a little there in the middle of the season. But we got some wins at the end. I don't know. It's hard whenever, I mean, I have had tons of different coaches throughout my high school career. It's hard getting used to someone and then they leave.
Coach Reed was definitely one of my favorite coaches that I had in high school, just because she knew what she was talking about. Her and Breezy Nelson. Yeah, they would get upset with us sometimes but they were always really the most supportive people.
H.S. Columbiana County B-ball Coaches Association Girls All-Stars, Girls Basketball, First Team, Mallory Waggle--and it says you were a unanimous selection in that latter one.
M.W. I don't think I knew that.
H.S.> Check out the website. You can learn all sorts of things about yourself you didn't know (laughter).
M.W. I will do that (laughter).
H.S. Do you have a game face?
M.W. Do I have a game face?
H.S. Let me read the whole question; it's a funny question.
M.W. Yeah, Go Ahead.
H.S. Did you have a "game face"? A little humor there but it can be a fun question too. When I asked Amy McCormack that, she talked about a night the entire team came out with a sort of universal game face or attitude. She said the coach went crazy yelling at them. She said that she and her teammates thought it was funny.
M.W> Yeah (laughter)
H.S. I don't recall if I asked if they won or lost that night.
M.W. Oh (laughter) that maybe could make a difference (Laughter). I don't think I have a game face. I know I can be really serious if I want to be. A lot of the time if we are winning and having a good game, I am probably smiling a lot of the time. But if we are losing and by a lot and I'm not doing what I think I should be doing then I'm pretty mad and probably my face isn't too great.
H.S. This question will be asking for your opinion--Attendance wise, there seems to be a large difference between the girls and boys basketball games, at least here on the high school level. Why do you think that is?
M.W. I think because, I think it's just been like a tradition thing. I think our boys basketball program has such tradition with it and they have so many dedicated fans that their games just fill up which is fantastic. With the girls, I mean it's like that with any sport, the girls sports are less crowded just because maybe because they didn't come till later, the sports themselves. I wish more people would come because the crowds make a huge difference in a game.
H.S. One thing I have noticed with the girls sports I have gone to, and I admit I haven't gone to all that many yet, but there doesn't seem to be as many students showing up for the girls sports either.
M.W. Yeah, for Volleyball there are a ton of students that come but for girls basketball and I think it has something to do with our record and our previous records because we haven't had a very good history in recent years. But, ah, I don't know. I wish more people would come. But even going to the boys games now, my little brother plays basketball at the high school, and they don't really have any students coming to those games too much anymore either. I don't know if it's just the class or what but it's kind of disappointing.
H.S. Were you nervous before a game or match, have butterflies, etc.?
M.W. Oh yeah! Before every game. After I got on the court I was fine but just thinking about, just scared of messing up. Even though had been playing it my whole life. I still got terrified that I'm going to screw up, like that my team down. It scared me.
H.S. You did play your Sophomore year, right?
M.W. Yeah.
H.S. I ask because in looking through football and basketball programs this morning for the school years 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12 I found your picture for Volleyball each of those years but basketball only the latter two, not the 2009-10 year. I could have sworn I saw you play at least some your Sophomore year. I guess the most logical explanation was you were absent when they took the team picture though sometimes they do list who was absent.
M.W. I remember at the beginning of my sophomore season Tony Tomaselli was our coach. He was telling people who made the team and who didn't. We would go like one by one into his office. I remember him telling me you're probably going to be playing a lot of JV and a little bit of varsity. I remember being disappointed because I really just wanted to play varsity. I think that by the first game of the season I was starting varsity. I think I ended up like our leading scorer. But I don't know why I wasn't in the picture. I may not have been in the varsity picture because I wasn't technically on the varsity team when the pictures were taken.
H.S. You weren't in the JV picture either, which I thought odd.
M.W. That's so weird. I don't know why I wasn't in any the pictures.
H.S. You were awarded the Merrill Hall Award your senior year. What were/are your feelings about that?
M.W. Oh, I was so excited about that. Just because sitting at senior assembly like they are handing out awards and I kept hearing about that award and how it was like a really, really big award to get. My friend Whittni Davidson, who also played basketball with me, she hasn't gotten anything and I was like, oh, I think Whittni is going to get this one. Then they were like Mallory Waggle and I was like, wow! Everybody kept telling me what an honor it was to have that award and I had no idea. I was really thrilled to get it. I thought that was really special.
H.S. Did you ever work out or have a training program.
M.W. I try to work out. I go to Akron [University] and I try to go to the Rec up there almost every day. I run a lot.
H.S. Are you playing sports at school?
M.W. No, I'm not. I'm going to play intramural basketball in the spring but that is all.
H.S. Any reason?
M.W. Ahhhh, I had the opportunity to play basketball in college, but I just … I didn't want to make the commitment. I really wanted to focus on school not worry about playing basketball anymore but I am starting to regret that decision
H.S. You could go out next year
M.W. I could. I could try out if I wanted to.
H.S. You'll have to tell me if you do.
M.W. Oh I will (laughter), you will be the first to know.
H.S. We created an article on the website that lists all the girls who played sports at ELHS and went on to college and played sports there as well even if only for one year. So, if you decided to play basketball at Akron we would want to know so I can add you to the list.
M.W. I go to the girls basketball games at Akron a lot and I can hardly watch because it makes me upset. I just want to go out there and play so bad.
H.S. Your mother is upset too. She said in a message to me, " I sure do miss her sports days already..."
M.W. Oh yeah she is. I know she can't go to the girl games at the high school because she gets upset not like seeing me out there I feel bad.
H.S. Do you have any idea at all what your point total in Basketball was?
M.W. Not a thousand, which I was aiming for. I didn't get it. Maybe seven hundred.
H.S. What games or events tend to stick in your mind about your years of playing Volleyball?
M.W. Volleyball, definitely I think it was my senior year, the Sectional went over Cambridge and I scored like the winning point. That was fun for me. Obviously going to the Elite 8 and being district runner-ups. I mean we lost but still, just being there. That was a huge game. It was real exciting and always beating Beaver Local.
H.S. What games or events tend to stick in your mind about your years of playing basketball?
M.W. Ahhhh, I don't know. Basketball? It's just beating rivals, beating Wellsville, beating Oak Glen, beating Beaver Local most of all. I don't think we ever lost to Beaver Local in basketball while I was there. That was always a good feeling. Wellsville is fun to be too. I have a lot of family there. Mikyla Tipton, she is a really great player, it's always good to beat her.
H.S. Did you ever have any friendly competition with any of your teammates?
M.W. Oh yeah well, growing up like being in middle school and stuff I think there was some kind of competition between Kelsey Wymer and I just because we played the same position. But in middle school I kinda stepped back and let her and Whittni score and I stayed in the background. Then I got sick of that in high school and I wanted to be a part of it too. I was a little timid at times back then but that changed.
Middle School Basketball 7th Grade Record: 15-2 2006-2007 Schedule
Mallory wore #4 in middle School.
H.S. The next two questions have been asked but maybe we can expand a bit on them so: What teams did you really want to beat the most and why?
M.W. Probably Beaver Local just because I had friends there and you don't want to hear them talk about beating you so you wanted to make sure you won.
H.S. I understand that both Volleyball and Basketball are team sports and not so much one person against another but even at that, which opposing players gave you fits the most, if any did?
M.W. Probably in basketball, probably, I don't know. There was a lot (laughter). Probably Tennel Hoppel from Beaver Local just because she was also a point guard and I just always wanted to beat her and Mikyla just because she was so good and it felt good beating her too. Volleyball, I don't think I had anybody too much because we were just good and beating everyone.
H.S. Without trying to embarrass anyone so you don't have to use any names if you don't want to.
M.W. Okay.
H.S. Can you think of any events in your years of playing Volleyball or Basketball at ELHS that makes you laugh when you recall them?
M.W. I'm sure I can think of something for volleyball because we were always being crazy. It was after a senior year in volleyball that we had gone to the OVAC Banquet of Champions. Where was that, I forget now where it was. There were us seniors, there were 5 of us and Mr. Shansky.
M.W. He drove the van and we all rode in it up to the banquet. On the way home, we just like went nuts in the van. We were like climbing all over the seats, he was yelling at us and getting so mad, and we just completely ignored him. We were always picking on Shansky, just because we could (laughter).
H.S. Do you maintain close contact with former teammates?
M.W. Oh yeah definitely. My friend Whittni [Davidson]. She has been my best friend since 4th grade and I talked to her almost every day. We don't go to the same college or anything but since I have been home for break I see her all the time and we text all the time. I talked to Kelsey [Wymer] and I see Kelly Kiger a lot from volleyball. She goes to Cleveland state, which is close to Akron so I see her often. Yeah, I basically played sports with my best friends and we are all still really close.
H.S. This question may sound a little odd but you can blame Dick Wolf's daughter, Monica, for the questions. She said in her opinion, boys and girls play sports for different reasons. That was something I had never thought about. So since then I add these two questions: (1) Why did you want to play sports? (2) What do you or did you get from playing sports, emotionally, mentally, physically, etc?
M.W. Ok, so why do I play sports?
H.S. Yes and what did you get out of playing sports?
M.W. Well, obviously it keeps you in shape. I didn't have work out too much in high school. Now I'm kind of feeling that. I think it gives you a good mentality on how to handle pressure. You're going to have to do that in life all of time and working with a team. It gives you really good team mentality and how to work with others so I think that was a pretty good thing I got out of it. Yeah, it's just something, just memories you can look back on now the rest of your life and it was so much fun. Like, that was my life in high school; it was sports. I will have those memories forever and I love that. The pictures are a pretty good thing to have as well.
H.S. If you were in the area and available and not doing anything else, would you like to play in the ELHS Alumni Basketball game they have each year at the Basketball Primetime event?
M.W. Oh yeah, definitely! Yeah because, well I had thought, I was talking to Breezy Nelson and she said something about the girls playing in the alumni game at this past prime time. Then they didn't and I was bummed because I really wanted to play.
H.S. I had mentioned we are trying to compile an accurate list of those East Liverpool high school girls who had gone on to play sports in college as well. What college they went to, what sport they played and what year they graduated from high school. Do you know offhand from any the recent graduating classes anyone who did? Did any of the girls you played with last year go to college and are they playing a sport in college?
M.W. I don't think so. There were only three seniors last year in my class that I played with and that was Whittni, Kelsey in me. None of us is playing sports in college.
H.S. Kelly Kiger is, she is on the list.
M.W. Yes, Kelly is. She is playing volleyball at Cleveland. I don't know if I know anyone else is or not. Ahhhhh, Kristen Cowart. She is a year older than I am; she was a senior when I was a junior. She went to Capital University in Columbus. She plays basketball. I almost went to Capital to play basketball.
H.S. Well, we will just have to get you back into basketball.
M.W. (Laughter)
H.S. I have enjoyed watching all three of you play. The first girls basketball game I ever saw was here in 2010, your sophomore year. Of course, I didn't know any the player's names at that time. That slowly came later. I have come to enjoy the girls game sometimes more so than the boys game.
M.W. Girls are a lot more, when you're out on the court there are a lot more like tensions. They tend to fight a lot more. I don't know . . . there's something about girls; they like to fight.
H.S. Cat fights?
M.W. Oh, all the time.
H.S. Had you known about the East Liverpool Historical Society and or its web site before the past few days?
M.W. I did because my mom used to work at the ceramic Museum, so I just heard her talk about it before. I didn't know much about it in detail.
H.S. Have you looked at the website at all?
M.W. My mom showed me the website, just like a page of the website one day. I'll, start to look (laughter).
H.S. Is there anyone you could recommend that you think would do an interview?
M.W. I'm sure Whittni would. She will be in town for a few more days and she comes home often from school. She was really big into Volleyball; she is a really good volleyball player and a really good basketball player. I think she would be willing to.
H.S. Can you think of anything else we should cover or you would like to talk about?
M.W. I don't think so. You asked some pretty good questions.
H.S. Was your father a pretty good coach?
M.W. Oh yeah.
H.S. Was he on you a lot?
M.S. Oh yeah, he was always hard on me but I don't think I would be the player I was without him constantly pushing me to be better.
H.S. We would love to get young people interested in the historical society and its website. We would love to do more interviews, sports and non-sports interviews. So far, we have done two non-sports interviews. One with Dr. Herschel Rubin. He is 96 years young and we talked of his memories of East Liverpool. It was an interesting and fun interview. We have done an interview with Elaine Riley. Do you know who she is?
M.W. I don't think so.
H.S. She is a rather well known East Liverpool native who was a popular movie and TV actress in the 40s through the 60s. She appeared in one movie as late as 2003.
M.W. Really?
H.S. Yes, the 2003 item I just discovered recently. She's 97 years old; she works out for an hour and a half 5 days a week. I get tired just thinking about that.
M.W. Oh my gosh, I don't do that (Laughter).
H.S. We did 2 phone interviews with her, Frank Dawson did the first one because I chickened out. I tried to get my wife to do it but she refused. Frank asked if I was going to call her. I said I didn't know. He said give me the number, I'll call her. He talked to her for an hour. I made a second call to get some follow-up information day or so later.
M.W. Oh, that is so awesome.
H.S. She starred in Western movies mostly with some leading Western actors of the day.
M.W. Oh that is so cool
H.S. It's on the website you might enjoy it.
M.W. Oh yeah, I'm interested in that kind of stuff.
H.S. Then we did four sports interviews with Robin, Monica, Amy and Wendy and now you.
M.W. It's a good group of people.
H.S. We would like to interview some of the former Lady Potters who started it all back in the 70s. Interview some from the 90's, 2000's and up to and including the present. So any help in any ideas you may have are welcome.
M.W. There's a lot of stuff I have learned from just my mom from when she used to work at the Museum of Ceramics. She would always talk about it, she like knows so much. The job there wasn't that involved. Sitting at desk unless giving a tour so she said she would go around, read things and look at things. If you like talking about it, she likes East Liverpool history and it's really interesting I think.
H.S. Oh I forgot. We have a Facebook site on the history of East Liverpool too. I haven't seen you join it yet (laughter).
M.W. Oh! I didn't know about it until today but I'll get right on that (laughter). Well I think the whole idea of putting athletes and sports information will bring attention to it and interest. I'm going to go home and going to look at it.
H.S. Here is the URL for it: Historical Memories of East Liverpool, Ohio.
H.S. I'll give you a Reese's cup for everyone you get interested in it (laughter).
M.W. Bribing me with food, that's probably the best thing you can do (Laughter). I will tell others about it. I think it is fun to learn more things about where you're from. My parents talk about how nice it was when they were growing up here, the movie theater and department stores downtown. I think it would benefit kids nowadays if they had a nice place downtown where they can go instead of it being a place for things to happen that shouldn't happen. I just think it would interest people a lot more and hopefully one day would be nice again. I like it here but I love being in Akron where I am and I hate coming home. But now that I've been here for a month, I'm like kind of not wanting to go back because I miss being here. It will always be home.
H.S. I thank you for taking the time to do this interview. You're a natural at this. It was fun.
M.W. (laughter), Thank you and it was fun.
There is a growing East Liverpool High School Potters section on the East Liverpool Historical Society Web Site.
East Liverpool High School Sports
There are new additions to that sports section often. One of the major emphasis in that section is on the Lady Potters contributions to the over all history of ELHS Potter sports history.
Current articles of interest in the Lady Potters Section:
We hope to be able to add the basketball scoring records for the Lady Potters sometime soon as well updating those records that are incomplete. The seasonal win loss records year by year for the various girls sports and finally to update all the areas were we have gaps in the information.
Additional Interviews with Former Lady Potters:
Interview with Monica Hoschar-Baugh, Class of 1981
Interview with Amy McCormack, Class of 1984:
Amy talks about her father creating "Potter Pete", her bringing Softball to ELHS and her sports career at ELHS and in college.
Interview with Robin Sayre-Pietryk. Class of 1986
Interview with Wendy Baker-Hoppel, Class of 1989:
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