The Potters National Bank was organized in 1881, when temporary quarters, in a room in the McKinley Hotel on Second Street, renting for $12.50 a month, were occupied.
George H. Brozka Collection.
E. 2ND St Just West of Broadway was a flourishing business center at the turn of the century (1900). The famed Hotel McKinley, finest in that day, is left center. Text from East Liverpool Review Feature Pages "When 2nd was First." By Robert Popp. East Liverpool, Ohio, Sat. June 21, 1969, Page .8
Later in 1811 the Potter's National Bank established its new facilities at the Intersection of Broadway and Fourth Streets. As is the case with the First -National Bank- .pottery manufacturers dominated the board with William Brunt, Jr. John N Taylor, James H. Goodwin, Noah Frederick, William and Joseph Cartwright, and F D Kuchel directing the operation of the bank. Successful from the start the directors purchased the lot at Broadway and Fourth streets and a two-story brick and stone structure was built at a cost of $38,000 This building was at the time the pride of East Liverpool and for nearly a quarter of a century it served the needs of the institution.
The picture below is probably around the same time period, 1901 or there about.
PNB-Smith Auto Part. For more information on the above building click on the link below:
and utilized first in March of 1901.
The Next Step
In 1901, the bank moved from the original location to the corner of East Fifth and Washington streets - the present site of PNC Bank. (The current PNC is not related to Potters National Bank, but was, Instead, named so when Pittsburgh National Corporation and Provident National Corporation merged into a new entity named PNC Financial Corporation.)
East Liverpool has a number of eminently substantial banks, and prominent among 'them is the Potters National Bank, organized in 1881 and located in its own handsome home for the past five years This block is three stones in height and is one of the most imposing structures in this city, elegantly, furnished and fitted with every modem convenience. [SOURCE: The Ohio Valley - From Steubenville to East Liverpool - Illustrated - Part One - The Industrial Publishing Co.. NY and Buffalo, 1905. (The New York Industrial Recorder.) Courtesy of Betsy Miller and Her husband].
The Modern Bank
Our "stunning Greek Temple" courtesy of Matt Stewart.
Map from the 1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance map.
The above picture and the following picture were taken earlier after the present bank was built in 1924. We don't know the exact dates of these pictures. Both Pictures Courtesy of Mary Campbell.
Late 21st Century
Beginning our inspection of the exterior of the building. The back of the building.
Notice the little box like object up near the top rear of the building?
This is that box like object, Courtesy of Juanita Ruffner.
A sign from the "cold War" era.
If you look real close you can see where the "corner stone" gives the construction date (see below)just above that brass looking object.
The Roman Numerals = 1924.
Some nice stone work, on the left side of the main doors in front.
Looking back from the section between the front doors.
Go to Potters National Bank 2
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