In the year 2011-12, ELHS Sports is making history. The school has adopted a new varsity sport, Bowling.
There have been bowling clubs in the past at ELHS and at times, especially when the HS downtown was still being used, gym class took place at the Walnut Lanes on Walnut Street. However, to the best of our knowledge bowling has never been a varsity sport at the school before.
Football and Men's basketball have been the main sports at ELHs. Though in the early 1900's there were girls varsity Basketball teams as well. Secondary sports existed based on interest, availability of participants and of those willing to coach the sport and funds. Thus the number of secondary sports varies from year to year.
In "modern" times (1970's and after) new sports or sports that had been dropped for whatever reasons have been revived or brought in new especially for the girls.
It was history making when varsity basketball for the ladies was installed in the sports program and again when softball was started at the HS, when girls were included in track and cross country. Swimming became a varsity sport for boys and girls. Tennis and golf were expanded to include the girls when there were interested participants.
The teams varied in their success in their infancy stages. Perhaps the best success rate was achieved by the first modern varsity girls basketball team. See:
Girl Cagers post 9-1 first season recond
However, at this point in time, January 28, 2011, the Bowling team isn't doing badly at all. The girls' team stands 4-2 against schools with established programs; the boys team is 3-3.
Bowling set to debut as newest sport at ELHS
The above article was written by Paul Edgar and appeared in The Review but is not available from Reviewonline@com any longer.
Photo courtesy Jimmy Joe Savage,
The following pictures were taken by us at the Tri-match between East Liverpool, Wellsville and McDonald Wednesday, January 25, 2012 at Walnut Lanes in East Liverpool.
The results from the Wednesday evening Tri-match have the EL girls winning against Wellsville and McDonald while the boys came in second behind McDonald but ahead of Wellsville.
While we have taken a few thousand interior pictures of historical buildings in Downtown ELO this past year, this was the first time we had taken pictures of a live sporting event. It does kind of show but we got better as we went along. We do apologize that they aren't as clear and good as some of our building picture.
Becky Brewer, Jared Yanik.
Joey Cilone, Matt Brophey.
Jimmy Beaver, Joey Cilone, Parker Bowers.
Britt Clutter, Alyssa Culp.
Becky Brewer, Alyssa Culp, Leighanna Frantz.
Caitlyn Miller.
Coach Eric Adkins in the center in blue top with grey shoulder band.
East Liverpool's Andrew Arcuragi bowls.
Jimmy Beaver, Joey Cilone, Parker Bowers.
Jimmy Beaver.
A fun picture.
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