R. Thomas & Sons Co. Insulator Company History and Historic ... East Liverpool, OH from 1884 to 1927; Thomas China Co. at Lisbon, OH. The R. Thomas & Sons Co. family owned business continued until May 1957 ...
Location of Thomas Pottery
Atwood Thomas home. Atwood and Anne built the house in 1893 shortly after their marriage. Atwood died in 1933. Son, Edwin Thomas. The address of this house is probably 243 W 7th Street.
Not sure who the people are or the exact location on Seventh Street this picture was taken but in the background is the Thomas Pottery.
Seventh Street. It appears you are looking towards Dresden Ave. If you notice on the left hand side the house with the turret? That is quite possibly the Atwood Thomas house. If so that is the same house which is seen in the next picture. Although greatly altered this house still exists today. Also note the house to the left of it with the pillars on the porch. That house should be 249 W 7th Street and is the Steinfeld family home. It also appears in the following pictures.
The house with the pillars probably around 1910-12.
The next three pictures shows at least a portion of the house to the left of the Thomas House possibly the Steinfeld house.
More about the steinfeld family: http://www.eastliverpoolhistoricalsociety.org/thompsonsteinfeld1912.htm
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