We have come up from the basement. We did survive those particular steps. This is the first floor. This would be the room on the western side of the building. You can just barely make out the doorway, nestled between the Freight Elevator and the staircase connecting all the floors. The next picture shows a similar doorway.
Another notable feature of this room is the circular opening in the middle of the floor. Evidently there was once a vat of some kind there.
While this is not the doorway between the two major rooms that made up the main building, the one on the western side and the one on the eastern side on the first floor, it is the doorway between those same rooms on one of the upper floors. The doorway was the same on each floor. To the right of the doorway was the freight elevator and to the left a little over was the staircase connecting each floor. Both of those items were found on the eastern side of the western room on each floor.
If memory serves me correctly (it was early August when we were in the building and it is now mid November) this is also the first floor on it is the western half of the first floor. Each floor had two major rooms separated by a wall with a doorway connecting them. Matt Stewart collection, Ohio River Life Blog.
Back in the Room on the western side of the building we see the fright elevator safety door, In this case it was in the up position.
Another view of the round opening.
To the left of the doorway to the room on the eastern side of the 1st floor that we have already mentioned is the wonderful really neat stairway to the top of the building. Matt Stewart collection, Ohio River Life Blog.
Jeff is standing on the first floor in front of and a little left taking a picture of something that caught his eye. Matt Stewart collection, Ohio River Life Blog.
The next group of pictures I suspect maybe be a add on at some point in time. It appears to be a two floor building off the back side of the original building. It looks to contain what was once a office, a bathroom area possibly a shower area. It also looks as it is sat in a war zone. There probably is no better way to describe it since it is a total wreck, a shell of what it once was.
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