Taken by Dr Chas H, Birkett
These are "Magic Lantern" Glass Slides (1870's - early 1900's)
East Liverpool Historical Society
There were 146 Magic Lantern slides originally (A few have been removed, or lost or broken) and an additional 91 slides of local people.
The EL Historical Society has these slides and even an old Magic Lantern Projector to show them that still works. Matt Stewart, a Professor at the local branch of Kent State U, and a a members of the ELHS set up the projector in one of the classrooms on the 4th Floor of the former Mary Patterson (Kent State U. Branch) along with a camera on a tripod behind the projector and photographed each slide as it was projected onto the screen. We did each of the scenes of ELO slides then each of the 91 slides of local people. It took us a couple days to do them all. All text courtesy of ELHS unless otherwise indicated.
Magic Lanterns and Lantern Slides
Magic lantern
Magic Lantern #1. Land Grant given to John Fawcett in 1837 by Martin Van Buren in the 62nd year of American Independence. John Fawcett son ot Thomas Fawcett who went to Wheeling
Magic Lantern #2 is a duplicate of Magic Lantern #19. It will be shown as #19.
Magic Lantern #3 Taken from the West Virginia side of the Ohio River. 1895
Magic Lantern #4 The second county bridge across Beaver Creek at the Ohio & Penna State Line, went to Ohioville. This bridge removed when the Montour R.R was built.
Magic Lantern #5 The first bridge at (Smith's Ferry). Located approx. 100 yards upstream from the present one and near where coal loading was located. Note the low level of the water. Picture probably taken before dams were created in Ohio River. Railroad Bridge in background.
Magic Lantern #6 Winter scene at Rocks Spring Park
Magic Lantern #7 Mark's House - Chester, Still standing today.
This house was owned be JB Marks who eventually sold to JE McDonald who started Rock Springs Park along with CA Smith and as I'm sure you know, the Chester bridge, and many other things:). I believe the water way that went through the park was once called Marks Run. This text courtesy of Pamela Crawford-Reed.
Magic Lantern #8 Rocks Springs Park - Lake boat landing and Bath House. Swimming pool under construction. Note ladies fashions.
Magic Lantern # 9 Entrance to rock Springs Park note trolley wires.
Magic Lantern #10 old log house, Bradshaw Avenue. Once a pest house house for contagious diseases.
Magic Lantern #11 John Thompson's house L to R Mrs. Robert Hall, Mrs. Sarah Boiley, Mrs. Mountford.
Magic Lantern #12 John Thompson home on Thompson Park Boulevard. It is now owned and occupied by Everson Hall. It is reported that the cost of building this home at that time was $3000.00
Magic Lantern #13 Etching of K. T. And K. Pottery. Corner of Bradshaw and Walnut streets.
Magic Lantern #14 or #15 Croxall House, 2nd and in Jackson Street. #14 plate (which was missing from among the slides) is listed as Croxall House Maybe was the same view or a different view of the same house.
Magic Lantern # 16 The Blakley home
Magic Lantern #17 scene looking down river along the river rode.
Magic Lantern #18 looking west along streetcar tracks on River Road. Car bar in middle distance.
Magic Lantern #19 car bar along River Road during flight time March 1907 for whatever reason it is listed as number two and number 19.
Magic Lantern #20 Waterworks on River Road
Magic Lantern #21 Thompson Pottery on River Road
Magic Lantern #22 Old engine. Chester Bridge in the background. Thompson Pottery on the left. Last building from observer.
Magic Lantern #23 Railroad scene. [ Location not given. ]
Magic Lantern #26 Magic Lantern #24 and #25. These two slides removed from the set sometime in the past. Magic Lantern #26 taken from Chester Bridge and shows potteries along River Road. March 15, 1907
CONTINUE ON TO Dr. Birkett's Historical Slides of East Liverpool, Ohio 2
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