Magic Lantern #51. Graduating class of 1897. First row Mr. Sanor – Superintendent, Miss Glidden, Berina McVay, Florence Updeggraff, Second Row Harriet Andrews Manor, Lena Howard Stevenson, Maude Webster, Minnie Agner, Clara Plunkett Harrison, Clara Busner Third row Mayme Harrison, James Nagle, Martha Coleman, William Knowles Fourth row Cara Hall Baugh, Edith McCord Morris, Daniel Webster, Anna Ormes Back row Isebelle McClain, Eva Ells, George Whitaker, Ella Huston, Dora Swaney
Magic Lantern #52. Third school – replaced by present Central Building. High School – three grades were all in one room 1870. [ It is hard to imagine that that big a building with all of those windows there were only 3 grades all in one room. This building was a bit of a adventure in high winds. They dismissed school on really windy days. ]
Magic Lantern #53. Another view of #52. Probably being dismantled.
Magic Lantern #54. Removed from the set sometime in the past. Magic Lantern #55. Second School House - 1851. Replaced by Third School. This one faced south.
Magic Lantern #56. Fourth and Broadway looking South. Note Crisis Building on right. Also see type of streetlight top of the picture.
Magic Lantern #57. Diedrick's Home. Fourth and Broadway where the High School now stands. [Kent State Presently] Was used as a school for a time. 1895
Magic Lantern #58. First brick house. Torn down when American Legion house was built. Salvation Army now in 1978.
Magic Lantern #59. Market & Fourth Street, grocery store on left were Heddelsons is now. Dr. Thompson's home is opposite. Restaurant now on corner. Presbyterian Church can be seen and H.W Searles Building stands were Smith and Phillips is now. The G. A. R, Lodge rooms in the Searles building
Magic Lantern #60. West side of Market at Fourth Street looking north. Building at left is on Fourth and Market 1875.
Magic Lantern #61. This building built by a Mrs. Wells. Later became the East Liverpool Post Office. Now home Moose Lodge. Corner of Fourth and Washington Street across from the Y.M.C.A.
Magic Lantern #62 Market St. and fifth Street looking east. Ikirt Building on left foreground. Picture taken before the fire which destroyed the Diamond in 1905. Looking up fifth Street is the Brunt home where the present post office now stands
Magic Lantern #63. 5th St., East from Washington. Odd Fellows building on left. Brunt home is center. In right foreground is the building where a Mrs. Wells operated her restaurant. This building was later moved to the north west corner of Avondale and Bradshaw. The long building was a roller skating rink. 1890
Magic Lantern #64. 1895. The Brunt home where the post office now stands. The [can't make out the name of the pottery] pottery in background. House where the Masonic building now stands was moved to Walnut Street and was torn down when the bus terminal was built
Magic Lantern #65. Ruins of the Christian Church after fire. Elm Street? Site of old parsonage.
Magic Lantern #66. Ruins of the Christian Church after fire. Elm Street? Site of old parsonage.
Magic Lantern #67. The Bradshaw Hall and theater. This building was used as a meeting place by the congregation of the Christian Church after the fire. Located across the street from Brunt home, now post office. Present site of standard oil station 1983.
Magic Lantern #68 Odd Fellows building. Showing part of Washington St., North.
Magic Lantern #69. Fifth Street looking west from Washington. Odd Fellows building on right foreground. Note front of Lee home where Ogilvie's is now.
Magic Lantern #70. 5th St. and Diamond looking West. Old M. E. Church and left background. Andrews ice wagon. Sold ice from pond in California Hollow.
Magic Lantern #71. Fifth Street looking west. Showing part of old U.P. Church. Note little store on site of high Ikirt Building.
Magic Lantern #72. 1885. Store mentioned on previous slide. N. E. Fifth and market looking towards diamond W. H. Travis Grocery.
Magic Lantern #73. East side of Diamond before the fire. Note Civil War monument which was later moved in from the library and now stands near the chapel in Riverview Cemetery
CONTINUE ON TO Dr. Birkett's Historical Slides of East Liverpool, Ohio 4
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