Windows, Tunnels, Doorways, or?
At the bottom of the steps, from the office to the basement, there was a large room, filled with a lot of "stuff". Possibly the oddest and most unique thing to catch your attention along the walls of that first basement room was the arch-like "designs" for lack of a better word. As can be seen in the next few pictures.
Courtesy of Kimberly Mitchell..
Courtesy of Jeff Langdon.
Courtesy of Jeff Langdon.
East Historical Society photo
East Historical Society photo
East Historical Society photo
Courtesy of Jeff Langdon.
Courtesy of Jeff Langdon.
The idea of tunnels spider-webbed under the city is laid to rest in the following article.
Actual openings
Having said that we do have a couple other interesting things about the basement. The first is that one of these arch like things which had maybe been opened or someone just plain knocked a hole in the wall.
Courtesy of Juanita Ruffner.
East Historical Society photo
East Historical Society photo
The room next to this opened wall.
Courtesy of Jeff Langdon.
Courtesy of Jeff Langdon.
The second item of interest is the real tunnel that was built when the building was built or at a later time connecting basements of different buildings.
Courtesy of Juanita Ruffner.
East Historical Society photo
East Historical Society photo
East Historical Society photo
There were other doorways between basement rooms as well.
Courtesy of Jeff Langdon.
Courtesy of Jeff Langdon.
Courtesy of Jeff Langdon.
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