This was found among the papers of the late Glenn H. Waight. It was an incomplete recreation of a newspaper article on the history of the EL common school system up to Feb.1887. Thanks to Sarah Vodrey, Director of the Museum of Ceramics for kindly giving us access to the original newspaper article we were able to photograph the page and finish the job of recreating this highly detailed account of the early history of the common school system in East Liverpool. |
[East Liverpool School History
by Jere Simms and friends 1887]
A retrospect of East Liverpool Schools - After a careful and exhaustive research of records and conversations with our oldest residents, we have secured the following information of the earliest schools in this city and township. The names and dates given are as accurate as it is possible to get them, and any further additions to this article will be thankfully received and given its proper place.
In the year 1820 a log building was erected for school purposes, north of the site of the present residence of Mrs.Basil Simms. The first teacher, as near as can be learned, was James Johnson; after him the birch was wielded by a Yankee named Smith. He was succeeded by Terah Jones, who was a surveyor. In this log school house many of the men who afterward became prominent in business in this city, received a considerable insight of the mysteries of education.
In the same log house about the year 1824 school was also taught by James Armstrong now deceased, who was a brother of Mr. John Armstrong now residing on his farm about two miles north east of this city. After Mr. Armstrong's duties ceased, Edward McDonald undertook the task of "teaching the young idea" how to develop. A brother of Mr. McDonald still lives on the old McDonald farm a few miles north of this city.
In 1825 a log house for a school was erected on ground occupied by the 4th St. site on the West lot on the alley. At this time Mr. Jesse D. Grant, father of the late General U S Grant lived up the road near George McKinnon ( East End).
During the war he met with some soldiers from East Liverpool and during conversation one of them about early times, he said he heard his first sermon in this old log school house just mentioned.
The late Sanford C. Hill taught here in 1827; and for some time between the above date and 1830 . This point was then on the north line of the town. Above this there were broad fields and a few scattered houses. The water drank by the pupils was carried from a spring which bubbled up where the Agner and Foutts pottery building now stands. While Mr. Hill was teaching his way from his home led past this spring and morning and noon he carried up a pail of water to the school house.
In those days of limited book publishing the school books used were the "Western Calculator," "Kirkhams's Grammar" and the Bible. Writing was also taught and goosequills were the pens used.
Somewhere near 1830, a Mr. Fisk also taught for a term or two, in the same building.
The public school system in this city was inaugurated in 1834. The schools pervious to this were supported by payments made by the parents of the pupils attending.
There being no public school building in the town when the free school system was begun, the basement of the old brick M.E. Church was used for school. The building stood on the same ground occupied by the present M.E. Church edifice, and was torn down in 1869 to make room for the more commodious structure.
Hugh B Anderson was the first one to teach in the basement. One day he whipped a boy by the name of Cooper, who complained to his father about the punishment. Mr. Cooper and Mr. Anderson were good friends, and when Mr.Cooper went to school to see about the matter, the teacher convinced him he was justified in punishing the lad. "Oh well," said Mr. Cooper,"maybe he needed it, but if he didn't then, he would some time again." A Mr. Burnside also taught in the same place, as did others whose names cannot be learned. A.B. Lackey was one of the teachers in the old church, and afterwards had a school in the old brick building on the north west corner of Second and Washington streets, which was then , and for a long time afterwards, known as the "Washington Hotel". The name is yet visible on the front.
Some time in 1838 Henry Brown opened a school in the "Mansion House" now used as a pottery building, which was owned by his father, who was proprietor of the hotel. While teaching here he severely punished Jeff. Morris, now deceased, Wm. Anderson, and H.R. Hill for some little misdemeanor. They panted for revenge, and in the evening laid in wait for him as he went home. It was dark as he went through the woods which then grew along the present 4th Street and his residence was above that in the neighborhood of our large M. P. Church building. When thoroughly in the woods the three boys opened up a with a volley of stones and yells,and Mr. Brown ran like a deer, not knowing who his assailants might be and never afterwards discovered who they were.
Mr. Brown also taught in the Mast Building on 3rd Street, between Union and Washington, in 1849. He lived until last summer, when at an advanced aged, death claimed him.
Eli Bucher also taught a while after 1838. Next was Adam H. Martin, who wielded the rod and taught the three "Rs" in a house which then stood on the south end of the lot now occupied by the German Lutheran Church building. He also taught in the Mast building in 1849.
Between 1838 and '40, Abel Thomas had a subscription school in the house which stands at the alley corner, on Washington, below Third, where Thos. Cartwright now lives. After a while he was assisted by his sister, Miss Ann Thomas. In 1846 Rev. Reuben Lewis, who was the minister in charge of the Presbyterian Church at this place, lived in the house now owned and occupied by Mayor J. H. Burgess, on Third street, and used one room in it for a school. He also had a school there in 1847, but he removed in 1848 to the cottage now occupied by Mr. Chas. Allen, near the Fourth street school building. This property he owned for a time, and at the rear end of the lot was a little frame stable which is well remembered by those of our citizens who attended school in he old brick building. This stable Rev. Lewis used as a school room for a year or more. He left town in 1850 and for some years was scarcely heard of until a few years ago he located a Coleman Falls, Va. where he died last fall at the age of eighty years.
Tipton Hickman , a brother of Mrs. C. R. Simms, of this city taught in the Mast building in 1848 and 1849, and under his instruction many of our citizens received a large portion of their their common school education.
A Miss Lizzie Gaston, from St. Clair township also taught school here about 1848.
The two story brick building which stood on the site of the present Fourth Street building was begun in 1849 and cost about $1,070.70. The ground is lots 1 and 7 at the corner of Fourth and Union streets, and was given for school purposes by the original proprietors, Messrs Thos. Fawcett and Jos. Pemberton. The house contained fourrooms and was considered very large and commodious in every way. William P. Morris, was treasurer for this district, which was called No.1 from 1849 for some years. He was succeded by the late Andrew Blythe.
The first teacher or superintendent employed was Henry M. Sheldon, who began early in 1851, at a salary of $26.83 per month with Miss Jane Gibson as one of his assistants, at $8 per month. Mr. Sheldon began his duties as teacher before the brick building was finished, teaching in Bradshaw's Hall, which was then just as it is now, for some weeks. Following him was W. C. Orr, who commenced in August 4, 1851, at a pay of $25 per month, and taught up to 1856. He married a daughter of Mrs. Richard Huston, and now resides in Baltimore.
Succeeding him was O. K. Bovard, who was engaged for five months in 1856, at a salary of $32 per month. He was outrageously cross, and was a terror to the boys who took revenge by calling him the "one legged Irishman," as he wore a cork leg. It is supposed he is no longer living, as but little was ever heard of him after he left this town. In 1856 the school enumeration was 440.
In December 1856 B.F. Fast took charge of the schools. Mr. Fast is now a resident of Alliance; has a family and still teaches school, and is universally liked. His salary was $48 per month and his assistants were Mary A. Logan and Annie O. Mast. The Ohio State School Library was opened in the town about this time, and Wm. P. Morris who was appointed librarian at a salary of $15 per year, kept the books in his office at his residence on Second street for some years. Afterward they were removed to the school building, but only about fifty volumes can now be found.
On January 20, 1858, the school board resolved to dispense with the reading of the Bible as a class book. During that year "twas troublous times" in regard to the Bible in the school, and for some time afterward. It was occasionally used, however, until the close of the year 1869.
Mrs. Thomas Worcester kindly loaned us a copy of "Rules and System of Government of the East Liverpool Public Schools" adopted by the Board of Education in May, 1858. The grades then established were Primary, Medium, Grammar and High School Departments. Teachers were required to be in their respective rooms fifteen minutes before the opening hour. They were not permitted to appoint "monitors" to assist them ; they were required to open the school exercises "with the reading of a portion of the Holy Bible." In the case of complaints parents were heard by the Board, and not allowed to interfere with teachers in the discharge of their duties. The other rules were similar to those in use at present. Josiah Thompson, James Salt and Samuel Quigley composed the Board of Education at that date. These rules were printed on one side of a sheet of paper ten by sixteen inches, by Wm. L. Clark, at Wellsville, where he still resides.
J. W. Gillespie took charge, of the schools in September, 1858, and taught until some time in 1859. Col. H. R, Hill was studying law at New Lisbon, at that time and was called here by the School Board to complete the term of 1859. For several years Mr. Gillespie was proprietor and editor of the Alliance Review, which he sold about two years since. He now resides with his family in Canton, this state.
In September of the year 1859 J. C. Ogle, who had been attending Washington college, took the helm, with pay at $40 per month. During his charge, he married Miss Annie C. Mast, one of his teachers, in November of 1859. They now reside in Owatonna, Minnesota. Mr. Ogle is now a minister in the M. E. Church.
In 1860 a subscription school was taught by Miss Angelina McIlrath in a little frame building which stood on the ground now occupied by D. A. Mackintosh's store building on the Diamond. The property was owned by the late Richard Cochran for several years, and after some changes in the house he occupied it for a residence.
The gentlemen in charge of the schools previous to this time had all been unmarried, and the Board of Education thought the schools would be managed better by a married man, and better success be attained by teachers. Accordingly they engaged Geo. J. Luckey, who was then teaching near New Lisbon, and he took charge of the schools in November, 1860. Mr. Luckey was also reading law, and during part of the time taught school at $20 per month help defray expenses. He was married previous to this time to Miss Elisa Coburn, of near Salmeville, who died a few weeks since, at Pittsburgh. It was at the suggestion of H. R. Hill that he came to East Liverpool and applied for and secured the control of the schools, at a salary of $50 per month. Mr. Luckey left town about the spring of 1862, but returned in the fall of 1863 and again took charge of the schools. During his absence H. P. Borton had the management of schools and remained until Mr. Luckey's return. In 1864 Mr. Luckey went into the army with Wm. H. Vodrey's regiment of 'Hundred Days Men.' After the war was over he went to Pittsbugh, where he is at present, superintending the city schools.
For the term of 1864 Mr. J. M. Dickinson was engaged as the principle teacher, but remained only one term.
In the fall of 1864, J. P. Cameron was engaged at a salary of $450 for the term, with four assistant teachers. At that date the enrollment was 618 pupils, with an average daily attendance of 280. Mr. Cameron is now teaching at East End, Pittsburgh, Pa.
In 1864 Mrs. C. E. Blackmore taught a subscription school in a small building at her present residence, at the corner of East .Market and Sixth Streets.
The term of 1865-66 was divided between Rev. Wm. H. Hastings and a Mr Erskine, and the salary was $576. The average daily attendance was 248.
Rev. Hastings was pastor of the M, P. congregation, which occupied a two story frame building on Fifth street where the present fine brick building now stands. Mr. Hastings now resides in Toronto, Jefferson county, this state. Whether Mr. Erskine is living or not is unknown.
The term of 1867-68 was Under the control of John Y. Crawford, with a daily average attendance of 210 pupils. Mr. Crawford taught school In different country districts after this, then went to California for a year or two, and then came back and took up his residence on his farm near Calcutta, where he died November 17, 1886.
Rev. Burns had control of the schools for the term ending in the spring of 1869. Mr. Burns was also an M. P. minister, and was pastor of that church during the time he was superintendent of the schools. He was the last person in charge of the schools in the old two story brick building which was torn down when the term of 1869 closed. Mr. Burns was a very pleasant gentlemen, and was highly respected by the majority of the pupils.
Having found that the old four room building was not large enough to accommodate the rapid increase of pupils, that building was removed and the present large three story brick was begun in the summer of 1869.
During the interval between the abandonment of the old building and the occupancy of the new one subscription schools were taught in different parts of the city. In the room now occupied by Mear's store on Fourth street, Miss Kate Harker taught for some time. Miss Mary A. Smith taught during the winter of 1869-70 in a room that was then known as Mrs. Neville's building, at the corner of Market and Second streets now occupied by Barnes' grocery store. About seventy pupils attended here, and studied Pinneo's grammar, Ray 's arithmetic, McGuffey's and Osgood's readers and the McGuffey spelling book, and a mental artitmetic and geography. In the front room of Mrs. Kinsey's residence an East Market street, Miss E. B. Huston taught a subscription school during the summer of 1869. About forty children attended here, and for a playground Used "Blackmore's Orchard," between East and West Market streets, extending north from the Diamond, now built up solid with residences.
The new brick building originally contained ten school rooms proper, but in a year or two one of the basement rooms was fitted up for the very small pupils. In the third story was the large hall, which occupied half that floor, with a good stage, in which school entertainments were presented, and occasionally dramatic companies secured the use of the hall. In October 1877, the hall was cut up into two rooms by J. H. Bonsall. The new building was opened for school purposes on October 17, 1871. When the School Board published the fact that a superintendent was wanted for the new Fourth street building, a gentlemen with the highest testimonials presented himself before the Board, who engaged him if he passed the examination required by law, as he had no certificate. They supposed it would be merely formal with him, but at the examination in the fall of 1871, when about thirty teachers were examined, the poor fellow only averaged forty per cent of the questions asked. It required at least sixty per cent of the questions before a certificate would be issued. The examiners and School Board were completely astounded, and told the gentleman they could not employ him. He was very much disheartened, and stated he had recently got married, thinking he had a sure thing of the position. He next began studying for the ministry, and is how a successful preacher. The Board again advertised, and selected Mr. T. J. Duncan out of several of the best applicants they have ever had for the position. The Board, which at that time consisted of George Hallum, Wm. Brunt, Jr., Wm. H. Vodrey, H. R. Hill, B. C. Simms, and Jethro Manley, engaged Mr. T. Jefferson Duncan, of, Brownsville, Pa., as superintendent, with teachers for five primary, two intermediate and one grammar grade; the high school being taught by the superintendent. The teachers were all ladies, whose names and residences were as follows: Miss Emma L. Smith, Midway, Pa; Miss Sarak J. Fassett, Wellsyille, Ohio; Miss Sadie J. Jameson, New Brighton, Pa; Miss Beth A. Little, Mary A. Smith, M. Bella Mills and E. B. Huston, of this city, and Miss Pauline Moore, of Hookstown, Pa.
Mr. Duncan found everything in a chaotic state as regarded grades, classification, etc., and it seemed almost a Herculean task to attempt to bring order and regularity out of the different capabilities of the five hundred and sixty-four pupils presented at the opening of the school. How well he succeeded in this laborious undertaking is evidenced by the grand schools which we now have, built upon the foundation he laid during his two year's management of the schools.
From the annual reports of the superintendents from 1870 up to the present date, we glean the following statistics which show the rapid growth of East Liverpool Common Schools.
For the term of 1871, Mr. T. J. Duncan, was superintendent, with eight teachers. The enrollment was 504; average daily attendance, 378.
The term of 1872 was also under Mr. Duncan's control, with nine teachers. The enrollment was this year, 608, with an average daily attendance of 400.
Mr. Thomas Blythe, treasurer of the school board, resigned at the end of the school year of 1872, having occupied the position since 1860.
For the next term, 1873, Van. B. Baker, of Burgettstown, PA., was engaged, and ten teachers were employed. The enrollment for the term was 640, with an average daily attendance of 470.
Mr. Baker was again engaged for the year 1874, with an additional teacher, making eleven in all. The total enrollment was 700, and the average daily attendance was 475. There was a class of four graduates from high school at the end of the term.
Van. B. Baker was again selected as superintendent for the year of 1875, but at the close of the term he hastily removed from the town, having got into financial difficulties, besides having his conduct severely criticized. No report for this term was published, but matters were in about the same condition as when the previous report was made---the progress of the schools being very slow. There were two graduates at the close of this term.
Rev. G.W. Riggle who for a number of years have been pastor of the Presbyterian Church of the city, had abandoned ministerial duties, on account of ill health, and secured the superintendency of the schools for the following term, which ended in June, 1876. There were now twelve teachers necessary to keep up the proper work of instruction in the school room, as enrollment had reached 785 for the year, and the average daily attendance was 463. The schools prospered well under Mr. Riggle's careful management, in which he was cheerfully supported by the twelve teachers.
For the term ending in 1877, Capt. J. Newton George was the superintendent, with the same number of teachers as in the preceeding term. The enrollment was five short of the previous year, being 780 and the average daily attendance was only 397.
Mr. George remained in charge for the term of 1878, with thirteen teachers. The enrollment this year was 779, with an average daily attendance 411. A class of five graduated this term.
Again for the year 1879, Mr. George had control, with fifteen teachers in charge of the different departments. The Jethro or "West End," school was now put under the supervision of the superintendent in charge of the Union Schools. The enrollment this term reached 943, and the average daily attendance run up to 575. The High School had a average daily attendance of 18.
For the term 1880, Mr George again took up the superintendency but died before the end of the term, and no report was published for this term. There were eighteen teachers. The enrollment was 1068, and the average daily attendance was 625. The graduating class numbered five. The Sixth street school building, containing four large rooms, was erected this year, as was also a single story frame school house in Ohio City.
Prof. R. N. Fearon, of New York State, was engaged for three years in succession, with a corps fifteen teachers in the central or Fourth street building, five at the new Sixth street building, and one each for the West End and Ohio City. The enrollment for 1881 was 1234, average daily attendance 802, and a graduating class of nine. The same number of teachers were employed for the year 1882; the enrollment was 1224---ten less than the year before, the average daily attendance 707, a falling off of 95. There were two graduates this term.
There were twenty-three teachers employed to assist Prof. Fearon in 1883, with the enrollment at 1301, and the daily average attendance numbering 859. The graduating class numbered eleven.
Prof. A. J. Surface, of Ironton, Ohio, the present successful superintendent, was engaged for the next term, ending in June 1884, with-twenty five teachers, and the enrollment at 1298, giving an average daily .attendance of 855, the term ending with a graduating class of nine. The treasurer's report for this year showed a balance remaining in the treasury September 1, 1884 of $7,050.10.
In 1885 there were twenty-six teachers -one being added at Ohio City. The enrollment for the term reached 1480, and the average daily attendance run up to 1009.
For the term beginning in September, 1886, there were twenty-seven teachers engaged, as the new Grant street school house was about completed and would be ready for occupation just after the holiday vacation. During the four months of the term preceding the completion of the Grant street building, Brads haw's Hall was again used for school purposes. The new building contains four large rooms, three of which are occupied, with Misses Rose V. Adams, Minnie Beal and Ella M. Wilson as teachers. Prof. Surface informs us there are now sufficient pupils to warrant the opening of the remaining rooms in the building.
The total enrollment of the schools for December, 1886 was 1398, and the average daily attendance was 1011. The school enumeration taken in September, 1886, was 2582.
Prof. A.J. Surface has been doing his duty in a way that is beyond criticism during his term of supervision, and we do not see that there is any possible way in which the School Board could improve the superintendency. Mr. Surface is ably supported by a very effective corps of twenty-seven teachers, all of whom have the greatest confidence in his ability and energy.
Following is the names of the teachers, with their respective departments as now occupied in our city schools:
Central Building
High School -- Euphemia B. Huston.
Grammar -- Flora Updegraff.
Third Intermediate -- Mattie B. Huston.
[The original page of this paper is damaged at the very bottom resulting in the bottom name or two names missing that should be here.]
Sixth Street Building.
Intermediate -- Anna Gardner.
Fourth Primary -- Jessie Manley.
Fourth primary -- Jennie MeBride.
Third Primary -- Maggie Roach.
Second Primary -- Jennie Groscross.
Second Primary -- Anna Hallum.
.First Primary -- Mame Curry.
First Primary -- Delia Kerr.
Grant Street School.
Intermediate -- Rose V. Adams.
.Second and Third Primary -- Minnie Beal.
First Primary -- Ella M. Wilson.
East End Building.
Intermediate-Anna, C. Brookes.
Primary-Nellie Mauley.
West End Building.
Carrie F. Farr.
The marriage of Miss Lizzie Warrick to Mr. Boyd left a second primary grade without a teacher and Miss Wilson; taught for a week and was succeed by Miss Mary Andrews. Miss Nettie Aten is a supernumerary teacher.
There is great need of a library for the use of pupils of the schools. There are quite a number of volumes of good works in the superintendents office, but these are crammed into a little old shaky bookcase that is hardly able to stand alone, and would more appropriately grace a dingy old law office. This school district can well afford a good library, with good cases to hold the books, and it would certainly be but justice to our large school population to have such a library. We trust there will be one soon.
We have the best school buildings in the State, and a school enumeration nearly one-third larger than any other city of the same population in the State.
The following is a list of the graduates from 1874 to the present time, giving their occupation and residence as far as is known:
George Hallum -Lawyer East Liverpool, O.
Mollie George East Liverpool, O.
Jennie Grosscross - Teacher -East Liverpool, O.
Anna C. Brooks - Teacher - East Liverpool, O.
Elizabeth Knowles (Lee) - East Liverpool, O
Tillie Asnbaugh (Bishop) Cleveland. O.
Flora Updegraff--Teacher East Liverpool, O.
Josie Gardner (Thomas) - Teacher-East Liverpool, O.
Jennie Gardner (Manley) - Teacher - East Liverpool, O.
Jennie Viney ( Steinfield)-Teacher - Allegheny City, Pa.
Liza Cartwright East Liverpool. O.
Patrick Farrell -Student - Rome, Italy.
Abner Lucas -Editor - Denver, Colorado.
John J. Purington - Lawyer - East Liverpool. O.
Alice Knowles (Downing)- London, O.
M. Aileen Kelly East Liverpool, O.
H. Ellen Hanley (Grosshans)-East Liverpool, O.
Mary Martin (McDowell) -East Liverpool, O.
Cora B. Coburn (Donnelly) -Wellsville. O.
Anna O. Myers East Liverpool, O.
Jessie T. Manley -Teacher -East Liverpool, O.
Jennie E. Murphy (Gilchrist) - Wheeling, W. Va.
Jennie E. George (Quay) East Liverpool, O.
Alice P. Shephard (Williams) East Liverpool, O.
Carletta J. Harrison - Teacher-Beaver Falls, Pa.
.Nannie T. Azdell(Andrews) - Calcutta, O.
Rebecca Hart East Liverpool, O.
Ella M. Ashbaugh (Laird) Wheeling, W. Va.
Margery McKay - Teacher - Dakota Territory.
John C. Oliver -Bookkeeper-East Liverpool, O.
Lillie Westfall -Pittsburgh, Pa.
Julia Carney -Teacher - East Liverpool, O.
Jennie Oliver, Teacher, East Liverpool.
Dora McHenry, East Liverpool.
Laura Agner, Rathdrum, Idaho Ter.
Lillie Gardner, East Liverpool.
Delia Kerr, Teacher, East Liverpool.
Hattie Brunt Way, East Liverpool.
Georgie Harker, East Liverpool.
Delia O'Shea, East Liverpool.
Ella Frederick, East Liverpool.
Dora Gould, East Liverpool.
Mamie Walper, East Liverpool.
Nettle- Aten, Fast Liverpool.
Minnie Beal, Teacher, East Liverpool.
Lida Campbell, Clarkson.
Mary Curry, Teacher, East Liverpool.
Jennie McBrlde, Teacher, East Liverpool.
Emma Manor, Teacher, New Cumberland, W. Va.
Nannie Scott,- Teacher. East Liverpool.
Ella Thomas - East Liverpool.
Lizzie Warrack Boyd, East Liverpool.
Lulu Fredrick - East Liverpool.
Willa M. Murphey -Merchant East Liverpool.
Carrie Newell-Chester W. Va.
Flora Walter- Teacher East Liverpool.
Flora Burgess-East Liverpool.
Lyde Bennett-Student Pittsburgh, Pa.
Mary Crosscross-East Liverpool.
Lizzie Gaston-Student Wooster, Ohio.
George Hart-Teacher Liverpool.
Mary Andrews-Teacher East Liverpool.
John Cullun-Farmer Chester, W, Va.
Nellie Thompson-East Liverpool.
Emma Soccop-Teacher Allegheny, Pa.
Nellie Manley-Teacher East Liverpool.
Minnie Quay, East Liverpool
The present senior class which graduates in June, consists of five pupils: Charles Kelly, Sammie Bennett, Mary Lloyd, Mary Ateu and Ella West. There were others in the class but for unaccountable reasons they have dropped out.
The Dry Run School familiarly known as "Neville Institute" was established in 1840 by John Beaver, who left an endowment to keep up the school. David Boyce of this city, has been for many years one of the trustees of the fund. About 1868 it became a district school, but any positive information about the teachers we have been unable to obtain. The Books used in this school for years were the McGuffeys series of school books.
A school was taught in Jethro for a number of years previous to 1870 in a little house built for that purpose on the lot next to the residence of the late Nathaniel Martin. This property came into the hands of the School Board after the district was established, and was sold about 1870, being changed for a dwelling. Among those who taught in this was B, C. Sirnms, of this city, Frank B. Martin, Miss Jenny Gaston and a Mr. Connell and others.
The present West End school house was erected on ground purchased from Leonard Pickal, and was deeded to the School Board on September 17, 1870. The building was put up some time after that, and was first occupied the next fall.
For information which greatly assisted us in getting up this article, we are under obligations to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blythe, Col. H.R. Hill, Prof. A.J. Surface, T.M. Blackmore, B. C. Simms and one or two others, who will please accept our thanks.
Prof. H.T. Martin taught a select school in the old Presbyterian church building about 1868, which was the finishing touch to the education of several East Liverpool boys and girls, who are not high school graduates, but seem to get along just about as well.
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