The Modern Times
Several of us were permitted to enter the old PNB building near the end of September 2010. The pictures of the interior of the building that you will find here and in several additional sections of this article were taken during that visit.
Aproaching the old PNB building from the west along the north side of E. 4th Street in front of the Carnegie Public Library.
Looking up at the PNB building, the west side from Union Street.
Looking at the front of the PNB building from the east side of Broadway. You can see the additional two story addition to the left of the main building that was added in the late 1940s. The addition doesn't appear in a aerial photograph of this particular area that was published in the 1950 ELHS Keromis Yearbook.
The door in the center of the picture was the original entrance to the bank and in later years other businesses that were located in the bank space. The door to the far left was to the the upper floors.
Standing at the Southwest corner of East 4th Street and Broadway. Notice the PNB in the decorative work over the door.
A little better view of the PNG in the face of the building.
The doorway and stairs to the upper floors. That stairway could also be accessed from the bank section to the right in the picture.
Looking in the doorway to the original bank portion of the building. Directly in front of you but slightly to the left of center is what was originally the bank vault.
A step or two into the old bank. Myth had it that the vault walls were six foot thick but in reality was only about 20 inches thick. You can see on the wall where the original bank vault door covered the opening into the vault. Apparently a previous owner kept or sold the bank vault door. Also visible are two doorways on the southwall of the bank space. They led to an hallway in one case and old office spaces in both cases.
Looking towards the west end of the bank portion of the first floor.
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