Note, these are along the mainline below Second Street -- as I discussed in an earlier email, I stand to be corrected regarding the locations with respect to the streets that crossed the tracks in that area. Comments courtesy of Jeff Pletcher.
PRR Wellsville-East Liverpool local switching job next to the mainline at East Liverpool, Ohio. I think the brick building is Milliron Co.; if so, the street crossing the tracks is probably Washington Street. Date is likely December 1966 or January 1967. Picture and comments courtesy of Jeff Pletcher.
PRR's Wellsville-East Liverpool local freight train switching businesses next to the mainline below Second Street, East Liverpool, Ohio. Probably December 1966 or January 1967. Picture and comments courtesy of Jeff Pletcher.
Horn Switch trackage being dismantled at the Dresden Ave. yards, East Liverpool, OH. Dresden Ave. is to the left, building at center of photo is Armour Ammonia Div. March 25, 1967. Picture and comments courtesy of Jeff Pletcher.
Horn Switch trackage being dismantled, East Liverpool, OH. View is looking from St. Clair Ave. toward Dresden Ave. March 25, 1967. Picture and comments courtesy of Jeff Pletcher.
Westbound PRR freight on the mainline at East Liverpool, Ohio, spring or early summer 1967. The switch and side track in foreground lead to the businesses that parallel the mainline below Second Street -- location may be near the foot of Jackson St. (see photo "ELO 1966 5"). Several of the locomotives belong to the Missouri Pacific Railroad, so this may be a "run-through" train for interchange with that railroad in the St. Louis area. Picture and comments courtesy of Jeff Pletcher.
PRR's local switcher on the mainline at East Liverpool, OH, adjacent to Parson's Coal Co., which locates the photo as probably near the foot of Jackson St. January 1968. Picture and comments courtesy of Jeff Pletcher.
PRR's local freight switching the businesses along the mainline below Second Street, East Liverpool, OH, January 1968. I believe the building adjacent to the boxcars is Potters Supply -- if so, then this photo is probably between the Washington St. and Market St. crossings. Picture and comments courtesy of Jeff Pletcher.
PRR's Wellsville-East Liverpool local switch engine spots boxcars at the team track near the foot of Broadway at East Liverpool, Chester Bridge in right background. January 1968. Picture and comments courtesy of Jeff Pletcher.
|These two photos are the last of my East Liverpool shots. I have at least one more photo somewhere, but it doesn't really show any trains or even tracks. It is back of Winland Lumber at Walnut and Bradshaw Ave., where there used to be a spur that had a coal trestle on it. I took the picture mainly for modeling purposes (I used to model railroad in O Scale) but it was after the tracks and of course trestle had been removed, probably at least in the 70's. When I get it digitized I can send it along. since it does show some E.L. history I guess. I remember that Winland's received boxcars of lumber that were parked on the trestle for unloading long after it was no longer used for coal deliveries. It sloped downhill toward Walnut and the railroaders chocked the wheels with a block of wood to prevent a runaway. Beyond that, there may be one or two more that are very dark so I elected not to digitize, or I couldn't find the negative -- I'll have another look and send along anything additional that I have digitized. Comments courtesy of Jeff Pletcher.
PRR's local freight switching the businesses along the mainline below Second Street, East Liverpool, OH, January 1968. The lettering on the building (above the boxcar) identifies it as Pearl China Warehouse, in which case this photo is probably near the foot of Market St. Picture and comments courtesy of Jeff Pletcher.
PRR's local freight switching the businesses along the mainline below Second Street, East Liverpool, OH, January 1968. The sign on the building adjacent to the caboose identifies it as Potters Supply, and I believe the structure in the left foreground is Milliron's -- if so, then the street crossing the tracks in the photo would be Washington St. Picture and comments courtesy of Jeff Pletcher.
Between Wellsville and East Liverpool in the area where Walker's Sewer Pipe Company once was. Picture courtesy of Charlie Bowyer.
The ELO line was also used as a detour route when track work or derailments restricted use of the mainlines, because trains could access the mainlines near Canton or Mingo Jct. coming west out of Conway. I saved newspaper articles from the Review, mostly about derailments, but one reports that the Wellsville fire dept. was called out to "water" a detouring passenger train in the 60's.
Review, Jan. 29, 1963. Newspaper article and comments courtesy of Jeff Pletcher.
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