Circus parade May, 2, 1922.
Circus parade May, 2, 1922.
Oxen team for Oxen with prairie schooner.
Hearse, very ornate. Cemetery on hospital lot , West 5th Street.
Fire engine, presented to the city by Isaac Knowles.
Old water pumper before the days of fire engine.
Cabs. No taxies at that time.
Drays carried pottery to the freight station.
Indian Travois, oldest conveyance here,
On the road to Calcutta.
The above batch of 8 pictures comes from a single page in one of Dale Thompson's Scrapbooks. At the very bottom of the page this is written, "These pictures were taken October 13, 1934, it was a parade celebrating the incorporation of the City of East Liverpool in 1834. Originally called Fawcettown.
Not from the same Dale Thompson Scrapbook but appears to be the same parade .This and the next picture was part of Frank Dawson's collection.
Goes along with the above picture. Frank Dawson collection.
Best Parade
These pictures were taken of a Christmas Parade held December 6, 1946, a Saturday. Leona Gill, Mary Alice Irwin and I, watched from 6th Street. It was the best Parade East Liverpool ever had. Pictures courtesy of Frank Dawson, From the Frank Dawson personal collection of photographs. As can be seen by the pictures of this parade, ELO was once a big deal and could put on a holiday parade as good as anything Macy's could do for a holiday parade.
The above was written by Ann Pomeroy.
December 7, 1946. It is possible that this is part of the parade above dated December 6, 1946.
East Liverpool Loved a Parade 3
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