School, town and area
While we will still include school day pictures it is time to branch out and include pictures showing East Liverpool and the area of Barnard and Berenice's time period. One Hundred years ago.
From Berenice's album there are a number of pictures that had been taken in Beaver Creek area, a camp in the Fredricktown area, etc. Some of those will be included here.
Berenice and some of her school friends. The boy MIGHT be her brother, Joe.
The graduating class of 1912.
A unique and different view of the West End Ball Field.
This would have been taken possibly at the west end of Second Street. That would have been in the neighborhood of Jefferson or Jackson Street and Second. More likely it was taken behind second street, between Second and the river, in that area of Market or Washington St. The camera is facing east. The Chester Bridge in the background.
Barnard Steinfeld possibly a "Senior" picture if they did that then or maybe a little later closer to his wedding time.
Berenice Thompson, a lovely picture. We don't know the date or circumstances but this and the one of Barnard makes a lovely adult set of pictures of them.
This could possibly be on the "hill Road" or maybe someplace along Dresden Ave.
A stroll on the Chester Bridge with Barnard and some of his friends.
We don't know who lived here but it was located on Penna Ave. just beyond where Elm Street Connects to Penna Ave. The house is no longer there but there is evidence of the steps still there. Bernice and Katherine Brooke.
Another view of the same house.
We are thinking that this is Penna. Ave. going up from E. 5th Street heading for the old Hill Road. Berenice on the left and maybe one of her best friends Katherine Brooke. The girls were standing just a bit further up Penna Ave from the steps and house in the previous picture.
Another unknown house that appears several times in Berenice's album.
Bernice and her younger brother Joseph.
Barnard and his girl Berenice. It's been a long time since you would have seen anything like this on the Ohio River here in ELO.
Probably the old wicket Dam #8 Between East Liverpool and Wellsville.
Dam worker, inspector.
Not sure who the man is. Timothy Brookes offered this input: ". . . the young man in the suit with knickers is standing at the intersection of Fifth and College. The house in the background is still there but looks a lot different." The picture was selected because we liked the house in the background.
Location unknown. There are a number of pictures in the two albums taken in rural areas and Berenice's house was in rural area of ELO in 1912 at 2230 St Clair. Janie S. Jenkins, the youngest daughter of Barnard and Berenice was a lover of horses. She had horses where she lived most of her adult life along with a variety of other animals.
1911-12, Beaver Creek-Fredricktown-spruceville area.
Tree cutting Beaver Creek area.
ELHistSoc -Two High School Graduates, 1912, 100 years ago and our town in their time 5.
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