It is important to note that the People's Store and People's Drug Store are two totally different companies though each were located in downtown East Liverpool, at different times and in different buildings.
The pictures showing the interior and exterior of the People's Store all come from this Booklet. The Booklet shows the grand opening of The People's Store as march 22, 1894. On the inside cover of the Booklet hand written is the following: "Burned - 1905, Rebuilt". This booklet is on loan to the Museum of Ceramics, courtesy of the East Liverpool Historical Society.
A picture that could have been taken anytime prior to the big fire of late Feb. 1905.
Look closely at this picture. The Ikirt Building on the Northeast corner prior to the Great Diamond Fire of 1905. Look at the building to the right of it and the building to the left of it. They are the Thompson Building. Yes folks there were two Thompson Buildings in the downtown at that time. The one in this picture and of course the one that still exists on the corner of Market and 6th Streets. Three things to note from this picture: (1) there was a Thompson Building located at this point in downtown, (2) The business in this Thompson Building at this time was The People's Store, (3) After the fire this exact same building was rebuilt in the exact same place as the exact same "L" shaped building that we know today. We know that building today as the McCrory 5 & 10 Building. It is possible The People's Store reopened in that building for a least a few more years.
Looking east along 5th Street prior to the Great fire of 1905. The Thompson Building which was the location of The People's Store is right next to the Ikirt Building.
A better view of the front of The People's Store.
A great way to understand about the great fire of 1905. In looking at the diagram notice that the Thompson Building prior to the fire is the same "L" shaped building we know it to be now. We know it better after it was rebuilt as the location for McCrory's 5 & 10 (the big 5 & 10).
A head on picture of the People's Store. I am going to suggest that this is the Fifth Street entrance.
I am going to suggest that this is the Market Street, the Annex entrance with the entrance to the Porter Store (building) next to it.
The diamond after the rebuilding. Picture dated as 1909.
A 1908 picture. Notice on the far right of the picture, the rebuilt H.E. Porter Building. A building we now call the Altman Building. This picture shows the entrances to the H.E. Porter Building and the Annex of the People's Store.
North Side of East 5th Street after reconstruction. Fire would pay another visit to this area in 1925 when the Milligan building would be destroyed by fire.
Milligan Hardware Fire Feb. 22, 1925
Domestic Department. The People's Store. H.E. Porter E.Liverpool.O
Dress Good Department. The People's Store. E. Liverpool,O. H.E. Porter.
Japanese Department. The People's Store. H.E. Porter, E.Liverpool, O.
Interior View Annex Entrance. H.E. Porter People's Store East Liverpool, Ohio.
Cloak Department. The People's Store, E. Liverpool, O. H.E. Porter
Fifth and Market area in the late 1940's early 1950's. Picture courtesy of Frank Dawson.
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