2nd Street Public Playground continued
2nd Street Playground looking towards Central School. 1954. Picture and text courtesy of Eddie Hedrick.
Chuck Carnes, 2nd Street Playground. Picture and text courtesy of Eddie Hedrick.
Chuck Carnes, 2nd Street Playground. House behind Chuck was on Cheryl (formerly Cherry) Alley. Picture and text courtesy of Eddie Hedrick.
Secretary - Millirons on Market Street. 105 2nd Street. 1954. Picture and text courtesy of Eddie Hedrick.
Red Brick Building on Right which was the Ceramic sign company. Manhattan Cafe on Far right. Picture taken from the 2nd Street Playground. Picture and text courtesy of Eddie Hedrick. [Looking east towards Union and further down the Chester Bridge - webmaster]
1954, Joe Blystone. Manhattan Cafe in the background. Looking towards the Chester Bridge. Picture and text courtesy of Eddie Hedrick.
We have come to the conclusion that the Hancock Build never met a camera it didn't like. :O) It does seem to get photographed a lot.
Kids playing outside Hancock Store. Picture and text courtesy of Eddie Hedrick.
Ron Roush, Homer Carnes, Joe Blystone, Butch & Skeezix Stearns in lot west of Union looking towards Central School. Picture and text courtesy of Eddie Hedrick.
This picture is from the 70s'. The lot on the right is the same space that has whowen up in various other pictures across from the Hancock building and others along that section of this block. Near the back side of this lot was the red brick building that was the home of the Ceramic Sign company in the 1950s'.
City Directory 1941
City Directory 1958
City Directory 1970
City Directory 1979
City Directory 1988
In Limbo: 300 block East 2nd Street
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