A Glimpse Of Yesterday
A city which grew to fame and prosperity as a pottery manufacturing center in the late 19th Century, East Liverpool still contains many notable commercial buildings and homes of historical and architectural significance.
Founded by an Irish Quaker, Thomas Fawcett, around 1798, the riverside hamlet was known as "St. Clair" and "Fawcettstown" before it obtained its present name.
Prior to Fawcett's arrival, however, the site where the Ohio River left Pennsylvania and began its flow southwest toward the Mississippi provided an important key to the development of the nation -- the surveying point from which the Northwest Territory was mapped.
East Liverpool's main contribution to the United States was the production of millions of plates, cups, saucers, bowls and other pottery used by countless families coast to coast from the mid-19th Century until today.
Skilled English potters, starting with James Bennett who launched the ceramic industry here in 1840, developed and refined the clay craft enterprise into a prosperous 20th Century giant. But foreign competition and new materials brought a general decline after World War 11, and only a few potteries with new technology and modern marketing remain.
NEVERTHELESS the community itself retains much of the appearance of the 19th Century with business buildings and houses dating back 80, 90 and 100 years and more.
Representative of the modest Victorian grandeur which marked the residences of notable pottery manufacturers is the landmark Thompson House at Third and Walnut Sts. It was constructed in 1876 by Cassius C. Thompson, and is maintained in its original condition by the East Liverpool Historical Society.
Beautiful examples of the fine ware produced in East Liverpool along with splendid displays of pottery manufacturing processes and community life depicted through photographs, paintings and other artifacts may be viewed at the Museum of Ceramics at Broadway and Fifth St.
Throughout the downtown section are varied vintage structures and sites reflective of an earlier age, a gentler people, an America growing with fresh immigrants and new ideas.
The community was first developed along the Ohio River shoreline, with Second St. lined with businesses and hotels close to the boat landing and later the railroad.
During the 1870's and 1880's, the commercial district drifted uphill to center on Fifth St.
While many of the original Second St. buildings -- opera house, hotels, homes, saloons, railroad station -- remained for more than a century, preparations for building the Freeway in 1990-92 brought demolition of that whole area between Second and Third Sts.
Gone also are virtually all of the pottery buildings which jammed the uptown area for many years, although few still stand, put to new use -
Nineteen sites are on the National Registry of Historic Places of the U.S. Department of Interior's National Park Service, including The Diamond and East Fifth St. Historic Districts. The latter contain many 19th Century buildings in The Diamond and along Fifth and Sixth Sts.
In addition some 90 other buildings in the city -- most downtown -- are in the Ohio Inventory of Historic Places.
Besides the buildings in the Diamond and East Fifth Street historic districts in the National Register, other sites are The Point of Beginning Monument at the state line -- A National Historic Landmark -- The Thompson House, City Hall, Carnegie Public Library, the Travelers Hotel, the YMCA, the Potters Savings & Loan Building and the former Richard Cawood home at 2600 St. Clair Ave.
[Since this was written some of the buildings and houses mentioned here may no longer exist or may no longer exist under the business or resident name that was used here.]
(National Registry)
The Diamond Historic District includes eight buildings at Market and Sixth Sts., the core of the business district since the late 19th Century. Structures range in age and sizes from two-story brick with late Victorian details to the five-story Little Building with terra cotta fronts and decorative detail.
The Little Building, built in 1910, dominates Diamond. It is of buff- colored brick with decorative brick spandrels between floor levels and modillion block cornices on three sides.
It was built by the heirs of the late Benjamin Little, and originally contained 52 offices and eight businesses.
Thompson Block. Built in the 1880's, an outstanding 19th Century commercial structure on the corner of the eastern edge of the Diamond. The four-story brick is highly decorated and features a corner turret with decorative wood trim and colored glass transoms in the windows of various shapes and sizes.
An example of the flamboyant design of the period in contrast with more restrained 20th Century neighbors, it was built by John C. Thompson, president of the First National Bank and a mercantile businessman.
Meredith Building. Built c.1890, it is High Victorian Commercial in design, brick with a three-part facade. Each has a round-arched opening flanked by smaller, simple rectangular openings and a gabled parapet with finial and corbelled brickwork.
The storefront level has been altered, and the northernmost bay enclosed. Changes have not destroyed the integrity of the building since the pattern of openings is still obvious.
Presently two storefronts are occupied by an appliance repair (519 Market) and home video (521 Market) businesses, and the third (523 Market) formerly Sherwin-Williams, is vacant.
Southwest Corner at Sixth and Market consists of two structures (525 and 527 Market) combined when the first floor was remodeled with a terra cotta Art Deco facade (Handy Sales annex).
Both are two-story brick, with the one along Sixth the oldest, dating from c.1880 and ltalianate in design. Decorative hoodmoulds over the segmental arch openings remain from the earlier period.
The second building, facing the Diamond, dates from the 20th Century, and features a projecting bay window and decorative window surrounds.
113-115W. Sixth St. Built in 1904, this three-story brick (Ridinger, Bldg.) exhibits some neo-classical detailing typical of the early 20th Century. Features include brick quoins, shaped stone lintels and stone voussiers, modillion block cornice, corbelled brickwork and handsome iron balconies on the second floor.
Northwest Corner of Sixth and Market. This triangular buff-colored brick was built between 1905-15 to fit the shape of the lot. The corner entrance bears the name Ridinger in stone in the parapet, modillion block cornice and corbelled brickwork above the third floor windows. Storefront pilasters remain.
609-615 Dresden. This long two-story brick built between 1910-20 is typical of more restrained commercial architecture of the early 20th Century. Features include pilasters with stone bases, decorative brickwork around the windows and door openings and iron balconies on the second floor.
The irregular shaped structure was built to conform to the lot. It now houses an antique store, barbershop and taxi service.
604-616 Dresden. Built in 1880, this three-story brick was designed flatiron in shape to fit the lot.
It features bays separated by brick pilasters, a corner entrance and store fronts framed in stone, stone lintels and sills, corbelled brickwork at the cornice line and slightly altered Store fronts.
(National Registry)
This commercial district encompasses several buildings along E. Fifth between Market and Broadway. A few date from the late 19th Century, most are early 20th Century.
The city suffered several major fires around the turn of the century, and many new structures replaced those destroyed. Generally, all are of brick, and range from two to five-stories. Many feature decorative brickwork, and two have outstanding terra cotta facades.
Only a half block on the north side is included in the district. It consists of five buildings with one considered an intrusion.
The McCrory Building. This double L-shaped structure fronts both Fifth (105) and the Diamond (506-510 Market St.) Built following a fire in 1905, the Fifth St. structure has a white-glazed brick facade and decorative brickwork. The McCrory Annex on Market (also known as the Reed Building) was also erected after the fire. It has a yellow brick facade and has typical East Liverpool details of large window openings with terra cotta and brick surrounds.
Once occupied by Fnedland's Jewelry Co. it was McCrory's from around 1915 until around 1990.
The modern two-stony building on the northeast corner of Fifth and Market, surrounded by the McCrory Building and occupied by a medical supplies store, is the only intrusion in this block.
109-113 E. Fifth has one of the finest glazed terra cotta facades in East Liverpool. Detailing is reminiscent of Gothic Revival with a pointed arch motif. The storefront level, now occupied by Hometown Variety store, has been altered.
This building was once known as the Wasbutsky Building for the man who owned the Star Bargain store there in the 1920s.
115-117 East Fifth. The three-story Milligan building, housing Rite Aid Pharmacy, dates from around 1910. It is typical of the move toward simplicity in the period, with only decorative brickwork around the windows and a parapet rather than a cornice. The storefront is altered and window sash removed, but it still contributes to this district in terms of scale, materials, period and style of construction.
It was occupied by the Milligan Hardware & Supply Co. before the firm relocated to Smith St. in 1961.
The Brookes Building. Historically known as the Foutts Block, this four-story brick at the southwest corner of Fifth and Market was built around 1890.
One of the few buildings pre-dating 1900, it features unusual window frame detailing, corbel brickwork, contrasting stonework and large window openings.
The southeast corner building, occupied by Herche.-Bloor Pharmacy and Corner Realty, is a three-story brick erected in the 19th Century.
The Ohio Inventory indicates it was built in two sections at different times, nearly identical with the same parapet lines. Newspaper records show it was built in 1886 by Homer Laughlin, notable pottery figure and real estate developer. It was constructed by the W. L. Smith & Co. of East Liverpool, and was known for some time as the Laughlin Block.
Brick pilasters separate the bays and handsome decorative brickwork marks the parapet. Portions of the storefronts have been removed.
108-110 E. Fifth. An excellent polychrome terra cotta facade marks this building (Physical Therapy) that has diamond-patterned sections accentuating spandrels between windows and parapet line. Swags and urns along the parapet are 20th Century elements.
The Crook Building. The largest building on Fifth St., it was built in two stages, the first dating from the 19th Century. It features half round windows at the cornice line, trabeated bays and corbelled brickwork. It has always been occupied by the Crook Furniture Co. established in 1880.
Bank One, formerly First National Bank, built in 1923, is a fine NeoClassical Revival structure with an impressive three-bay facade separated by fluted Ionic columns, a pedimented entrance and cornice with balustrade above.
The only intrusion in this section is the former Bank One annex (Aronson-Fineman law office) which has a mesh screen covering the facade. However, a fine terra cotta exterior is under the screen which if removed would definitely contribute to the character of the district.
130 E. Fifth, a simple two-story brick (Sherwin-Williams), has a projecting bay window and decorative brickwork above. Although altered, [it kept part of Dr. Metz' s house within it] it still contains the character of the district in terms of scale, materials, setback, period and construction style.
The Golding Block on the southwest corner of Washington and Fifth was erected around 1880 and featured trabeated bays, corbelled brickwork, bracketed cornice and storefront cornice.
Alterations include changes to some window sash and addition of a carrara glass on the storefront.The Erlanger Department Store occupied this building for many years.
National City Bank, formerly Potters Bank & Trust, is a fine NeoClassical Revival building at Fifth and Washington. It displays two-story round arched openings separated by pilasters, a stone door architecture which simulates roping, heavily decorated frieze and denticular cornice. Built in 1924, its lobby is virtually unaltered.
206 E. Fifth is a modest two-story brick with a central oriel window, cornice with fleur-de-lis, modillion blocks and dentils and a store front with pilasters and a cornice. For many years it was a bridal shop, now is occupied by Main St. Sampler.
The Emporium, which formerly housed Moore's Furniture, is constructed of buff brick and features brick quoins, a two-story round arched entrance and classically inspired detailing. Aluminum awnings detract from the appearance they are reversible and do not detract from the architectural integrity.
At the northeast corner of Fifth and Washington is the first IOOF building in the city, constructed in 1874 and thus probably the oldest business structure in the downtown.
It was built by the Robert Hall Lumber Co., founded by a Civil War veteran who was involved with the Hall China Co. The second floor was used by the lodge until the larger office building was erected on West Sixth St. adjacent to City Hall. It is now occupied by One-Hour Cleaners, and is designated the Wetzel Building.
Other sites outside these two historic sections are on National Register of Historic Places.
The Mary Patterson Memorial
displays classically inspired detailing, the facade symmetrical with the central entrance flanked by columns. Round arched openings with stone keystones are on the second floor, while rectangular windows are used elsewhere. Decorative details include swags and wreaths and a simple cornice.
The home for single women was built in 1926 by philanthropist Monroe Patterson in memory of his wife. It closed in 1984 due to economic conditions. Five years later it was obtained by the local Kent advisory board, and presented to Kent which undertook renovating for offices and classrooms, opening in 1993. (National Registry)
The Potters Savings & Loan Co. Building
was erected by the firm in 1905, and remodeled in 1924. The five-story brick, constructed by the Claude Nease Lumber Co., was advertised as fireproof."
It features a stone storefront, brick quoins, stone keystones and a cornice with modillion blocks and dentils. (National Registry)
at Fourth and Washington Sts. was designed with a Classical Revival influence by Cassius Metsch, local architect, and built in 1913 for some $100,000.
The five-story dark red brick building has contrasting stone trim and bracketed cornice. The entrance in the central bay of the facade, features a stone surround with columns, frieze and pediment.
Metsch also designed the Travelers Hotel and the former high school building on Fourth St., sold for $1 to Kent State University as a gift of the community. (National Registry)
The Travelers Hotel
on Fourth St. at Crook Alley was built in several stages, the easternmost three bays the first, around 1900. It was first called "The Landora." Architectural details include the shaped stone lintels above the double hung windows and the restrained cornice line.
The first-floor front has been remodeled. The lobby features marble wainscoting. (National Registry)
The Carnegie Public Library
is an impressive two-story Beaux-Arts structure of buff-colored Roman brick on a sandstone foundation with decorative trim on white glazed terra-cotta. The facade is reached from a three-tier sidewalk.
The full basement foundation features round arched openings at the corners and base of the central bay which projects slightly from the remainder of the rectangular building.
The main entryway is surrounded by stone rustication under a classically detailed portico with the name on the entablature, topped by a balustrade. A Palladian window is above the portico with a decorative molded terra-cotta surround, flanked by circular windows.
Flanking both sides of the central bay on the first floor are triple windows headed by terra-cotta pediments with naturalistic modillions and cornucopia decoration.
The entire building is topped with a panelled parapet at the cornice, and each corner features an ogee roofed tower with flame finial. A large octagonal tower dominates the center of the roof, with Ionic pilasters and topped with a tile-covered dome and a smaller octagonal tower with tiled dome and ball finial.
A single story, circular wing with brick corbeling and a battlement at the cornice level stands at the rear.
The interior has a central lobby separated from flanking reading rooms by arcaded plaster walls. Two cast-iron stairways with open decorative railings lead from the front of the lobby to the second floor which has a central circular balcony over the lobby and flanking shelves and reading room areas.
In 1994 the interior was refurbished, with an elevator and disabled access ramps installed so as not to effect the exterior.
The library was designed by English-born Charles Henry Owsley of Youngstown who designed other structures in the city, including the former Central School (1895). Owl sley formed a partnership with Louis Boucherle in 1885, and the firm became noted throughout eastern Ohio and western Pennsylvania for its designs of public buildings.
The Library, dedicated in 1902, was financed in part by famed industrialist Andrew Carnegie of Pittsburgh who had as a youth visited East Liverpool, home of an uncle, William Morris. When asked for funds for the project, he agreed to donate $50,000 if the city would provide a site and $3,000 a year to maintain the building. Twenty citizens contributed $1,000 each to purchase the former Bradshaw home, and the school board adopted a 3.2-mill levy.
Sixteen paintings and watercolors of local artist Hans Hacker owned by the library are on display. (National Registry)
East Liverpool City Hall
is a notable example of Art Deco municipal building design, constructed in 1934 as a project of the Civil Works Administration of the U.S. government during the Depression.
Designed by Charles Owsley, the three-story sandstone structure has beautifully detailed decoration in the central bay of the facade and entrance surround.
Prior to World War One, the home of John Taylor was purchased for a municipal building. It was razed and the lot used for a gas station until interest in a new City Hall was revived in 1926. (National Registry)
The Thompson House
an outstanding Italianate residence at 305 Walnut St., was built in 1876 by Cassius Clark Thompson, a city pottery magnate when he was 25.
The 21/2 story structure has a three-story tower in front, topped by an elaborate wrought-iron railing. The plan is irregular with two porches and two entrances in front, one at the side and two at the rear. The first porch was added in 1890.
A two-story bay window is in front, and a single-story bay window on the east side. The unglazed brick has been painted a light color for about a century, and helps to prevent seeping of moisture.
Sills and lintels are of stone, with Italianate window hoodmolds, and all window openings are either segmental-arched or round-arched, The roof is gabled throughout, and cornices are supported by heavy brackets.
A circular stairway leads to the off-center tower which features a mansard roof with dormers, providing a fourth story.
The main entrance to the front of the 16-room house has double doors with hand-etched glass panels, and leads to a vestibule. Off the central hail way are two rooms on the east, with the living room, dining room, pantry, kitchen, back stairway, music room and back porch on the west. Ceilings are 13-feet high, and all doorways have transoms.
The living room has a carved white marble mantel brought from Italy by Cassius Thompson's father, Josiah Thompson.
A graceful, hand-crafted central hall stairway leads to the second floor which has a library, three bedrooms, a maid's room and two baths, the second added in 1900.
A stone retaining wall with wrought iron fence extend along Walnut St. A similar wall and fence stood at the front along former Third St. which was removed and an embankment created when a four-lane highway and ramp were constructed between Third and Second Sts., eliminating a once lovely view of the Ohio River from the house.
Some alterations were made over the years such as changes to the porches, addition of the bay windows and some interior work. In 1900 a large verandah was added to provide access from Third and Walnut Sts. Also in 1900, a bathroom wing was added, containing a heavy porcelain tub which required reinforced beams.
The library also bore such a weight of books it is supported from overhead. The house retains much of its original appearance, especially at the second floor and roof levels.
An old modeling shop and cooper shop and a five-room cottage and garage have been razed, and the rear yard, marked with a grape arbor, reaches to the grounds of the adjacent Kent State University Commons.
THE FIRM OF Thompson & Herbert began making Rockingham and yellow ware in 1868. Thompson bought Herbert's interest in 1870, and changed the name to C.C. Thompson & Co. By 1878 the firm on River Rd. had five kilns and was among the area's most progressive.
After Josiah Thompson died in 1879, the firm was incorporated as the C. C. Thompson Pottery Co. In 1884 manufacture of cream-colored ware
was started, and later semi-porcelain and decorated goods were added. Eventually the original hues were discontinued.
Cassius Thompson is credited with several inventions connected to the pottery industry, including a jigger for hollow ware. The firm was operating in 1921 with 15 kilns, but closed in 1938. It was one of the few local potteries which continued throughout its existence under the same management.
For many years the Thompson House was occupied by a nephew, Dale Thompson, and was bequeathed to the East Liverpool Historical Society which now maintains it as its headquarters. The home is open to tours, and is the center for Victorian Christmas dinners and other events.
A National Historical Landmark, its significance lies in its intimate connection with the East Liverpool ceramic industry and its architectural merit. Information may be obtained by writing the East Liverpool Historical Society at P.O. Box 476, East Liverpool, OH 43920, or telephoning 216-385-2550.
Goodwin-Baggott Pottery
at Market and 2nd St. is the remaining portion and bottle kiln of a larger 19th Century pottery. it is of brick construction on a cut stone foundation.
Now owned by the State Of Ohio, it underwent some restoration by the Ohio Historical Society in the 1970's. The original kiln is the last of some 300 existing in the city when it was a national pottery center. (National Registry)
The Elks Club
built in 1916, is a Colonial Revival building designed by Holmboe & Lafferty of New York and Clarksburg, W.V. and constructed by the Kerr Lumber Co.
The brick structure has an enormous portico entrance with classical detailing, Corinthian columns and cornice with modillion blocks. The lodge was organized in 1893 with 30 charter members. The architect specialized in "clubhouse" design. Furnishings were by Joseph Horne Co. of Pittsburgh. (National Registry)
The Odd Fellows Temple
at 120 W. Sixth St. is a five-story brick With stone front, dedicated In 1907. It features decorative brick spandrels between floor levels, classical detailing on the cornices. (National Registry)
The IOOF Lodge was organized in the early 1860's, shortly after the founding of the Masonic Temple.
The Homer Laughlin Residence
of 414 Broadway, now the Broadway Lounge, was built in 1882 by the founder of the Homer Laughlin China Co.
Outstanding terra-cotta details embellish this brick Queen Anne style structure which features stained glass windows and transoms, decorative woodwork in the gable ends, carved double doors, projecting bays, decorative porches and brackets. Tudor and Jacobean influences are seen.
A stone retaining wall with iron fence extended along the Broadway footage.
Throughout the three-story, 23-room home dark woodwork prevails, with the initials "H.L." carved in the doors. The family resided in the home until 1897, and his one daughter, Nanita, died there in childhood. He sold the pottery and moved in 1898 to California to become a leader in real estate development.
The home was purchased from Laughlin by George Meredith of the liquor distilling firm. He sold it in 1916 to the Eagles Lodge, which constructed a large addition at the rear and enclosed the front porch. It was sold to the DeSarro family in the 1980s. (National Registry)
Laughlin was born at nearby Smiths Ferry, Pa., in 1843, and served with the local 115th Ohio Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War. On discharge, he unsuccessfully tried oil well development along on Beaver Creek, then began selling local pottery by the cask in the Midwest.
He and his brother, Shakespeare, went into English whiteware pottery import business. Next they decided to make ware, and with a $5,000 public subscription bonus from the city, in 1873 built a pottery along the River Road - the first new plant making whiteware.
By 1876 Laughlin Brothers won a gold medal for quality whiteware at the Philadelphia Exposition in 1876, and the firm adopted a backstamp showing the American Eagle atop an English Lion. Shakespeare went on to other interests, and died in a few years.
But the Homer Laughlin pottery prospered, expanded to plants in the East End, and then -- after its sale to the Aaron interests in Pittsburgh - relocated across the river to Newell where it grew to be the largest in the world.
Laughlin himself was notable as an innovator and industry leader in the late 19th Century, and later earned a reputation as an investor and park developer in Los Angeles. He died in 1913 at the age of 70.
Masonic Temple
of 422 Broadway, formerly the Goodwin House, was built around in the late 1890's by James Goodwin of a prosperous pottery family. He died before it was completed, and it was later occupied by the Homer Knowles family of the Knowles, Taylor & Knowles Co. pottery.
The original brick Colonial Revival building featured a symmetrical facade, rounded tower with conical roof and a front porch with paired Ionic columns. When the front was later extended, it appears the facade and dormers were moved forward.
It was purchased in 1910 by the Masonic Lodge, and a stone porch was added in the front and large rooms to the rear. (National Registry)
Goodwin's brother, George Goodwin, constructed a similar home about the same time on Fifth St. at Jackson, now occupied by Dr. and Mrs. William Bartolovich.
The Potters National Bank Building
at Fourth and Broadway, now an auto service business, is a High Victorian style red brick built in 1882 by the new banking firm.
The PNB flourished, and in 1901 constructed a larger building at Fifth and Washington. This was razed in 1924 and a new facility built, and a 1931 merger created the Potters Bank & Trust Co., now National City Bank.
After PNB left the Fourth and Broadway site in 1901, it was purchased for offices and sample show room by The East Liverpool Potteries Co., a new merger of six potteries. After two years, the consolidation was dissolved.
The 21/2-story structure features interesting details dormers with roof cresting, bracketed cornice and decorative brick and stone work. In stone over the entrance are the initials "PNB" of the original bank. It is in poor condition, and endangered by neglect. (National Registry)
Museum of Ceramics
at 400 E. Fifth St., is in the former city Post Office building which was vacated in 1969, and purchased by the Ohio Historical Society.
The original Post Office was built in built in 1908-09 at a cost of $100,000, featuring a Neo-Classical granite and limestone exterior with solid oak woodwork and a marble and terrazzo floor in the public areas. (National Registry)
Rounded stone steps lead to the corner entrance bay. Tall arched windows with stone trim face Broadway and Fifth St. In 1940 an addition was built to the south side not visible from the sidewalk and not compromising the architectural integrity.
The building is significant as a fine example of the Beaux Arts design for institutional-governmental buildings, especially in its interior detailing, particularly the ornately decorated domed ceilings.
The history of the local pottery industry and the community are depicted in displays, photos, paintings and other items. More than 2,000 pieces of ware -- including the famed Lotus Ware -- are exhibited, along with dioramas depicting three shops typical of a 19th Century pottery with mannequins in working stances.
Lotus Ware, produced by the Knowles, Taylor & Knowles pottery between 1892 and 1896, is noted for its pure white lustrous finish, graceful shapes and exquisite detailing.
A small theater using nine slide projectors traces the history of the craft Added during the renovation was an original tile floor bearing the names of the old pottery firms. It was relocated from the former Thompson Hotel on Third St., razed for construction of the Freeway.
The Museum also houses several paintings of David Blythe, a 19th Century artist who grew up in East Liverpool and earned national acclaim, Also in the facility are several watercolors of local artist Arthur Mountford (1850-1917), a ceramic engineer and art director at Homer Laughlin China Co. Mountford focused on the beauty of the Ohio River and valley.
THE MUSEUM CAME into being in East Liverpool primarily through the efforts of Atty. William H. Vodrey, former president of the Ohio Historical Society and leader in the city's Historical Society.
In 1967 he proposed the city as the site of a ceramics museum, and the following year the state approved capital improvement funds for the project. That year the postal operations were moved to a new Dresden Ave. building, and in 1970 the state purchased the old building for establishing the museum.
Renovation of the structure began, and the Vodrey family donated $90,000 toward the project. The East Liverpool Historical Society also placed its collection of pottery, books, papers and other items on 'permanent loan" in the museum.
In 1978 The Ohio Historical Society was awarded a $100,000 grant by the National Endowment for the Humanities to create exhibits for the facility, focusing on the history of the local pottery industry along with the district's urban, social and economic changes in the past two centuries.
The museum opened to the public in February 1980 with the two entrance galleries dedicated to Mr. Vodrey in honor of his contributions. Information may be obtained by telephoning (216) 386-6001.
The Ikirt House
of 200 W. Sixth St. was constructed in the late 1890's by Dr. George P. Ikirt, a physician and one-term Congress- man.
This two-story, unpainted brick is significant in embodying the eclecticism architecture of the late 19th Century and for its association with Dr. and Mrs. Mary Ikirt, well-known social and political figures in eastern Ohio.
Built around 1880, the house combines the irregular massing of the Queen Anne style, the decorative elements of the Eastlake mode, and the mansard roof of the Second Empire period.
Basically rectangular in shape with several irregular projecting bays, it stands on a rusticated stone foundation with a cut stone water table. Openings are teall and rectangular, and windows have flat stone sills and lintels. Several bays have recessed blind window with corbeled lintels. The projecting cornice is supported by incised brackets.
The entire structure is topped by a slate-covered mansard roof from which several molded chimneys and flat-topped dormers project. There is a slightly projecting square central tower on the facade, with a single- story square wooden bay at the lower right corner and a two-story angled bay on the left corner.
Two side bays have porches in the corners formed with the main block, and there is a small canopy with balustrade over the main entrance at the base of the central tower. The double doors of this entrance have scribed floral decorations, and lead into a tiled entry hail.
The fluted woodwork, of walnut cut from the Holmes family trees, has corner rosettes, and the original gas and plumbing fixtures remain. A ball room is located on the third floor, and a small brick carnage house with mansard roof stands west of the home.
DR. IKIRT (1852-1927) was a physician and surgeon who became active in Democrat politics in the late 19th Century. He founded a Democrat paper, "The Crisis," which published from 1887-1904, ran unsuccessfully for Congress against William McKinley in 1888, and was elected to the House of Representatives in 1892, choosing not to seek a second term.
William Jennings Bryan, famed Orator and politician, was a friend of Ikirt, and visited here, once speaking from the front steps.
Mary Holmes Ikirt was involved as a member and officer of an extraordinary number of civic, literary, religious and women's club activities. She was a trained musician with a degree from Mount Union College. She and her husband resided in the home until their deaths, and their children, all well-respected educators, continued to live their until they died. It was acquired by the Kelly family in 1974.
The R.L. Cawood House<
The Richard L. Cawood residence of 2600 St. Clair Ave. at Park Blvd. was built in 1923-24 as a highly personal interpretation of the Italian Renaissance Revival style with Spanish influence additions.
It reflects an intention to create an unusual and distinctive home by the owner, a prominent East Liverpool industrialist who had a deep interest in architecture.
Of stucco-covered masonry, the two story structure is crowned by a Spanish tile hip roof, a central rectangular section from which later additions extend to the south and west. A five-bay facade faces north, and on the ground floor are tall arched windows, with smaller rectangular windows on the second level.
A doorway framed by Ionic columns supporting a small balcony is in the center, with massive, deeply carved wooden entrance doors.
In 1935 extensive additions altered the appearance of the home, chiefly a tall, round tower, 20 feet in diameter, built in the southwest corner. Extending south from the tower is a porte cochere spanning the space between the tower and a smaller square tower.
On the opposite side facing a courtyard is a loggia supported by masonry columns, this long space connecting the main residence to a chapel. A driveway winds through the porte cochere into the courtyard and to the east past a stucco carnage house and farther on a smaller garage.
Extensively well landscaped, a high embankment was added along St. Clair Ave. by a subsequent owner, screening the residence from the street.
CAWOOD WAS BORN at Belpre, Ohio, in 1882, and as a youth developed an interest in architecture, primarily that of the Mediterranean. He came to East Liverpool in 1900 to work for 83 cents a day at the Patterson Foundry which made machinery for the pottery industry. In 20 years he had become president, a post held until he retired in 1956.
Although three different architects were involved in the original design and additions, the building was apparently created by Cawood's own ideas, from his youth and his extensive world travels. (National Register)
Point of Beginning Monument
at Harvey Ave. and the Pennsylvania state line, marks the approximate site where the American Rectangular Land Survey System was started in 1785.
Thomas Hutchins, the first geographer of the United States, began the geographers line for the Seven Ranges in the Northwest Territory. This survey system eventually extended across the country, and includes Hawaii and Alaska.
A National History Landmark, the monument was set at the rivers edge of the Ohio-Pennsylvania border, but when endangered by land fill, R was relocated in 1960 some 1,000 feet north to the present site where R could be easily viewed.
Hutchins followed the direction of Congress in laying a base line west, marking off six-mile intervals for township borders -- the foundation of America's future growth.
Other notable buildings on the Ohio Inventory are:
Central Fire Station
has served the city since 1930 when the red brick structure at St. Clair and Broadway was built for $60,000.
It is on the site of the original station Which was opened in 1893 when the original Frank Dickey wooden livery stable was bought by Council for $7,000 and remodeled for $900 Among its first equipment was a horsedrawn Silsby steam pumper purchased in 1891 which was restored in 1982 and is now owned by the East Liverpool High School Alumni Association.
The two-story red brick building has 18-foot ceilings on the main floor where fire engines and squad cars are kept, while the quarters for the firefighters are on the second floor. A small museum displaying records, photos, tools and memorabilia is maintained on the second floor.
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church
on W. Fourth St. was built in 1900 for $8,000 to replace a brick structure destroyed by fire. The latter church was known as "The Bell Church," the only worship site which ushered in services with a bell.
This bell had been on a river boat used by the John Burgess family to summon buyers to their craft which sold and traded up and down the Ohio. When the Civil War halted travel, the bell was sold to the church for $45 and still sounds every Sunday in St. Stephen's tower.
This Gothic stone church, constructed in the form of a cross, has oak furnishings, with arches and other woodwork of cypress. The original oak pews are still in use.
The Episcopal congregation was formed in 1834 when a frame structure was erected on the present site, land set aside by city developers for religious purpose. It was East Liverpool's first church building.
The present stone edifice features 19 stained glass memorial windows, included five coats of arms, one of which is the City of East Liverpool.
St. Aloysius Catholic Church
at Fifth and Jefferson was built around 1887 at a cost of $30,000, replacing a frame structure at the present site. In 1913, the brick walls were covered with a cast concrete facing, giving the appearance of stone.
Windows consist of minute pieces of stained glass, imported from Germany, and representing joyous events in the life of Christ.
A Catholic Mission was started in the city in 1835, an outreach served by a priest from Steubenville. The first church was built in 1845 on E. Fourth St., but a fire on Palm Sunday destroyed it before it could be used. The wooden church was erected in 1851 and served until the present building was completed.
The B'nai Israel Temple
now the Beth Shalom Congregation, at W. 5th and Monroe Sts., was built in 1921-22 at a cost of $55,000. It seats 250, and contains five classrooms and a library.
As early as 1895 Jewish families held services in their homes, and Orthodox Jews traveled to Steubenville for worship.
Initial meetings were held at the Moose Lodge hall on E. Fourth St., present site of The Evening Review parking lot. In the early 1900's, B'Nai Jacob Synagogue was built on Third St. In 1963 the synagogue's members merged with the B'nai Israel Temple to form the Beth Shalom Congregation.
Former Salvation Army Citadel
on Third St. was built in 1908-09 at a cost of $28,000. The red brick structure, with seating for 600, included housing for the commandant and family. This was reportedly the first such Salvation Army structure built solely for the Army's use.
The city's Salvation Army unit was founded around 1884, and is credited with forming the American Salvation Army's first brass band. The building is now owned by the Credit Bureau of East Liverpool.
The George Goodwin House
at W. Fifth and Jackson was built in the late 1890s by Goodwin, then president of the Goodwin Brothers Pottery and one of the earliest pottery families in the city.
Of Colonial Revival style, combining the Colonial and contemporary designs. This is exemplified in the lunettes, or "half moons" in the dormer found in the Roman Classical period (1840-1880). Rusticated quoins decorating the corners stem from the ltalianate style, while the window borders in the keystone design are of the Georgian period (1700-1800).
The wrought iron roof cresting and abundance of roof decor - dormers, tall T-shaped chimneys, conical tower roof with a finial - typify the Chateau style (1860-90). A circular verandah originally fronted the house. The top row windows feature an unusual star design also found on several smaller windows.
A most important Colonial Revival feature is the smooth brick finish in Flemish bond with fine joints fitting bricks closely together with the least amount of mortar showing.
The building at one time served as an osteopathic hospital. It was purchased in 1980 and renovated by Dr. and Mrs. William Bartolovich.
The Surles House
on Third St. near Washington was built in 1892 by a city postmaster and Civil War hero.
William H. Surles received a Congressional Medal of Honor for saving his colonel's life at Perrysville in 1862, and was postmaster from 1899 to 1912.
The home is a classic example of Queen Anne style of architecture popular in the 1880-1900 Victorian Era -- variety of designs, colors and textures along with high towers, turrets, bay windows and tall, elaborate windows.
The steep roof has multi-gables and projecting eaves.
Tower sides are accented with wooden shakes in a fishscale design. Most windows have stained glass in the upper sash. The structure, now owned by Paul Gordon of Wellsville, is unoccupied.
A painting of the home, entitled "Faded Glory" by local artist Hans Hacker, hangs in the National City Bank.
Smith & Phillips Building
at Fourth and Washington was originally the music store of Will Thompson, noted 19th Century composer.
The brick building was erected around 1880, a dominating four-story brick with mansard-type roof and dormers facing Fourth St. Instruments and printed music were sold throughout the United States
Later the fourth story was removed, and a 5-story brick addition built in 1939. The Smith & Phillips Co. succeeded Thompson in the music business, adding furniture and appliances until it relocated operations in. 1984. The structures were purchased by the city, then sold and renovated in 1995 as the Antique Mall.
Will L. Thompson was born at nearby Smiths Ferry, Pa., in 18347 and came as a child to East Liverpool, showing an early talent for the piano. He completed school here, attended Beaver (Pa.) Academy and was graduated from Mount Union College.
His avowed ambition was "to write songs to touch the hearts of people."
His father provided space in the family drygoods store for Will to sell musical instruments. The young Thompson later relocated his business to the Thompson Hotel at Third St. and Broadway. He hired a store manager, and went to study at the New England Conservatory of Music at Boston He later built the large music building on Fourth St with his music room on the second floor near the corner.
Thompson was a prolific composer of both popular music ('Gathering Shells from the Seashore" "Under the Moonlit Sky") and religious ('Softly and Tenderly,' "Jesus Is All the World To Me) He sold the store to his nephews in 1893 and continued his interest in real estate development.
In 1899 he donated 100 acres of woodland for Thompson Park.
Civil War Chapel
The Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) -- Union Army veterans of the 1861-65 conflict -- formed a branch in East Liverpool in 1881. Gen. Lyon Post 44 raised more than $17,000 to construct a memorial chapel at Riverview Cemetery.
Seven years later, veterans obtained city permission to erect a soldier statue in The Diamond, and solicited $3,000 for a 23-foot, 4-ton figure and base which was unveiled in 1890. The statue was moved to the former City Park in 1909, then to the front of the Library in 1916 and finally to the cemetery in 1942.
The GAR Post was named in honor of Brig. Gen. Nathaniel Lyon, a courageous, red-haired New Englander whose outnumbered Union troops were defeated and he killed at the 1861 battle of Wilson's Creek in Missouri.
Washington Camp Site
In November 1770, George Washington traveled down the Ohio to look at available land for Virginia soldiers who fought in the French and Indian Wars.
His party camped on what is now Babb's Island, and buried a barrel of biscuits for safe keeping. The incident is commemorated with a stone and metal plaque monument in front of the Masonic Temple on Broadway. It was placed there in 1932 by the Daughters of the American Revolution on the 200th anniversary of Washington's birth.
The Newell Bridge
is one of two notable spans which have crossed the Ohio River between Beaver and Steubenville in the late 19th and much of the 20th Century.
The Newell Bridge is a private toll facility built in 1904 by the North American Manufacturing Co., parent firm of the Homer Laughlin China Co., to provide access to the new pottery and community.
The 1,592 -foot suspension bridge carried both cars and street trolleys until the latter were replaced by buses.
The Chester Bridge, razed in 1969 because of weakened cable anchors, was replaced by the modern Jennings Randolph Bridge in 1977. The Chester Bridge was constructed in 1896 by an investment group headed by J. E. McDonald who was interested in the development of the new town of Chester. This was a 1,466-foot combination suspension and truss facility which was eventually purchased by the State of Ohio and maintained until it was closed.
Alumni Tower, Museum
A replica of a longtime city landmark is featured at the East Liverpool High School Alumni Association's tower complex on E. Fourth St.
The association -- largest high school alumni organization in the nation --was formed in 1986 to restore a clock and belt which had been in the former Central School, razed in 1966.
The school property had been purchased by the International Brotherhood of Operative Potters which planned to erect a multi-story housing building. The city Kiwanis Club took custody of the clock and bell with the intent of relocating in a suitable site.
Cuts in federal housing funds undermined the union's plan, and the Kiwanians were unable to mount a successful fund drive.
In 1986 Kiwanis recruited Frank C. Dawson to undertake a final effort to restore the clock, and he moved to organize an alumni association for the effort. The union donated the former school tract to the new association.
With volunteer labor, donations and proceeds from various fund projects, a new 126-foot tower and adjacent building containing an office ad memorabilia room were erected on the old school site. All were dedicated in a massive all-class reunion in 1992.
Some 8,000 members belong to the association which publishes a semi-annual newsletter sent to 16,000 graduates. More than $30,000 in scholarships has been awarded by the Association and Foundation.
Here are a few other homes and buildings of note in the downtown district:
The Joseph Wilson Home at 313 W. Fifth St. is a Eastlake style Victorian building constructed around 1900. It is on the Ohio Inventory. Now occupied by Apple Tree Mercantile, it was originally built for Joseph F. Wilson, a businessman and Mayor of East Liverpool for three terms (1918-23).
The decorated oak mantels, doors and trim are original as is the chandelier in the first floor front room. The entrance hall was divided when the second owner converted the frame home into a two-family dwelling. At one time a large carnage house stood at the rear.
Wilson, a native of Library, Pa., came to East Liverpool in 1894, and operated a W. Fifth St. stationery store which later became Kennedy Office Supplies. Wilson served as director of public safety and director of public service in 1912-13 when Dr. R. J. Marshall was Mayor. Mr. Wilson died in 1941 at the age of 80. (Ohio Inventory)
The Cornelius Cronin Home of 320 W. Fifth St., once the Amer Funeral Home, was built at the turn of the century by Robert Hall, a biding contractor later involved with starting the Hall China Co.
Cronin was a stockholder in the Potters Co-Operative from 1882 until 1890 when he became secretary-treasurer of the Standard Pottery Co. He died in 1920.
His widow sold the home in 1934 to Alvin Arner who operated a funeral home there until 1979 when it was purchased by James Sigler. Mr. and Mrs. David Malcomson are present owners.
The three-story brick house has a finished basement. An original center stairway has been removed. Oak woodwork is featured throughout.
The Gustav Bendheim House at 1333 W. Fourth St. is a Colonial Revival design with a Victorian Romanesque porch. Made of unglazed red brick, it has a modified central tower. Windows on the lower floor with a star design and oval windows with a keystone are similar to the Goodwin (Bartolovich) house.
The porch verandah has a second story balcony, and the arcaded loggia is of stone voussoirs. Unfluted, polished stone columns of are on the Ionic order with scrolled capitals.
The home was built by Bendheim who owned Bendheim & Co., a shoe and boot store on Market St. A stone mason named Robinson was reportedly the contractor. (Ohio Inventory)
The A.S. Fricano, Inc., accounting office at 123 W. Fifth St. was the home of Dr. W. A. Hobbs before he built a large stone house on Maine Blvd. (Ohio Inventory)
A Queen Anne style house at 124 W. Fifth St., occupied by Atty. Lawrence Smith's office, was built by the John Taylor family for a son. It was later the office of Dr. R. J. Marshall who served as Mayor. (Ohio Inventory)
The former Sturgis Funeral Home at 122W. Fifth St. was used for the embalming and exhibit of the body of Charles "Pretty Boy" Floyd, notorious bandit who was slain by law officers near Sprucevale in 1934 is being renovated by Frank C. Dawson, son of Frank A. Dawson employed by E. G. Sturgis and who embalmed Floyd. (Ohio Inventory)
Thomas Home of 227 W. Seventh St., now apartments, was the home of John Thomas, connected to the family which founded the R. Thomas & Sons ceramic company that later was moved to Lisbon. (Ohio Inventory)
John Thomas, an early resident, kept a personal diary from 1846 to 1878 which provides much information about the area of his time.
The McNicol Residence
A white-columned brick home at 346 W. Fourth (corner of Monroe) is occupied by the Lampron Family. It was the home of R. L. Cawood before he built the Spanish-style house at Park Blvd. and St. Clair.
For many years it was the Spore family home.
Potteries Still Exist
Of the hundreds of ceramic plants and auxiliary businesses and industries that flourished in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, only a handful remain in East Liverpool.
Hall China Co. in the East End is the sole dinnerware concern within the city. The huge plant extends across 11 acres, and features modem technology and production methods to produce ovenware, table service, teapots and other items.
The company was founded in 1903 by Robert Hall at Fourth and Walnut Sts.
The Pioneer Pottery, Starkey Ln. off Dresden Ave. produces mugs, vases, ceramic banks and other items for favors and premiums.
The building, more than 100 years old, was originally used for making yellow mixing bowls, and at one time was a plant of the Hall China Co.
W. C. Bunting Co. 1425 Globe St., a decorating firm which sells college mugs, novelties and advertising specialty items.
Mason Color & Chemical Works, 250 E. Second St., manufacturers of ceramic colors and inorganic compounds for the ceramic and electronic industries.
Long a part of the East Liverpool pottery complex and heritage are the Homer Laughlin China Co. of Newell, W. Va., and the Sterling China Co. of Wellsville.
Outlets for the sate of pottery are The Hall Closet at Hall China, Pioneer Pottery, Pearl China of Dresden Ave., Homer Laughlin Co. retail showroom, Sterling China's factory outlet and the Chamber of Commerce.
Factory tours are available at Hall China Co. and the Homer Laughlin China Co.
Pottery Heritage Celebrated
For the past 28 years, a three-day Tri-State Pottery Festival is held the third week of June in East Liverpool.
Special window displays and activities along with a World Pottery Olympics, concerts, amusement rides, art show, parade and other events salute the ceramic industry of yesterday and today.
Information may be obtained from the East Liverpool Chamber of Commerce, 529 Market St East Liverpool, OH 43920 (330) 385-0845)
Remnants of The Pottery Era
Still dotting the community are aged brick buildings once used by the various pottery companies for shops or offices.
Walnut Street
The best-preserved is the Ohio Bureau of Employment Services building at 616 Walnut St. near Bradshaw Ave. This was the office
building and sample room of the Knowles, Taylor and Knowles Co. (KT&K).
This two-story brick building contains original stained glass windows of the pottery which became the city's largest, and earned special fame in the late 19th Century for its Lotus Ware.
The Knowles, Taylor & Knowles Co. was owned by Isaac W. Knowles, John W. Taylor and Homer S. Knowles. Isaac Knowles was a cabinet maker who purchased and sold out of town in the early 1840's the ware made by the town's pioneer potter, James Bennett.
When Isaac went into making Rockingham and yellow ware himself, he built a plant on East Sixth St, with materials salvaged from the Bennett pottery partially destroyed by the flood of 1852.
Originally called The East Liverpool Pottery Works," the name was changed when John Taylor, his son-in-law, and Homer Knowles, his brother, joined the firm. KTK became a leader in white ware production with advanced technology, modern machinery, broadened markets and new products, ranging from semi-vitreous and ironstone to the marvelous Lotus Ware.
By 1887, KTK had become the city's largest plant, growing to a 28-kiln operation along Walnut St. and Bradshaw, producing all white ware, and in 1889 finished a new plant for vitreous china and Beleek ware.
Foreign competition and new materials started the decline of the ceramic industry, and the Great Depression finished off many companies, including KTK which declared bankruptcy in 1931. The four plants were torn down in 1935. Isaac Knowles died in 1902 at the age of 83. Homer Knowles passed away in 1892 at age 41.
Taylor, known as 'Colonel" (although he was only a lieutenant in the Civil War) resided on the site where the present City Hall was built, and was a friend of President William McKinley. As a Congressman, McKinley visited the Sixth St. home on various occasions.
Taylor, who was also at times Postmaster, school board and Council member involved with organizing the Potters National Bank and the Taylor, Smith and Taylor pottery in Chester, died in 1914, and his son, Homer, succeeded him as president.
Dresden Ave.
The Pioneer Pottery Co. of 761 Dresden Ave. sits to the west of Dresden in what was one of the former plants of the Dresden pottery and later the Hall China Co.
West Seventh St
A remaining portion of the former R. Thomas & Sons Co. is a garage behind a large house at 227 W. Seventh St. The firm became a knob works in 1885, and relocated to Lisbon in 1927.
Second St.
The kiln and shop of the former Goodwin and later Eagle Pottery and S. & W. Baggott pottery remains preserved under the ownership of the Ohio State Historical Society at the southeast corner of Second and Market Sts. The original pottery was founded by John Goodwin in 1844, and became the S. & W. Baggqtt firm which closed in the 1890s. For a while until 1897 it was operated by Mouniford & Co.
The present Seaforth Minerals Co. of 11 Washington St., south of Second St., is located in the former Riverside Knob Works. This was originally an operation of the Brunt family dating to 1848.
River Road
The present building of the D. W. Dickey Co., formerly used by the YELP trucking company, was part of the C. C. Thompson Co. (1870 - 1938) pottery.
The East Liverpool River Rail Terminal is located in part of the former Harker Pottery Co. which moved to Chester in 1931. Founded in 1840 by Benjamin Harker Sr. the firm was the oldest continuously operating pottery in America until it closed in 1972.
The Midway Oil Co. is part of the former Globe Pottery, which is traced back to 1881 with formation of the Frederick, Shenkel & Allen firm. The building was used by the T. E. McNicol pottery from 1913 to 1926.
East End
The Ferro Corp. plant at 1230 Railroad St. occupies part of the former Homer Laughlin China Co. The Laughlin firm was started on the River Rd. in 1873 by Homer and Shakespeare Laughlin.
After Homer Laughlin retired from the firm in 1896, the firm built this plant in 1899, and added another beside it in 1901. Another nearby plant of the National Pottery was traded by National for the original Laughlin plant on River Rd.
Laughlin constructed a new facility in Newell in 1906, and eventually the East End plants were closed.
Ohio Inventory of Historic Places
Here are all the sites listed on the Ohio Inventory:
Tri-State Supply, (Trotter's Building) 624 Dresden Ave.
Aricadiou Building (Sturgis Bldg.) 622-618 Dresden
Fricot Bldg., 627-629 Dresden
Chuck's TV Service (Hardie Confectioner), SW Corner Smith, Dresden
Coachmen's Inn (Ingram Bldg.) west side of Dresden near W. Eighth
Crockery City Brewery, north side of W. Eighth
Commercial Building, NW corner of Eighth and Starkey
Vacant, 625 Broadway at Potters Alley north of Sixth St.
Fifth Street
Moreland Arcade (Arcade Market), NE corner Walnut & E. Fifth St.
Gus' Party Store (former Bus Terminal) NW Corner Walnut,
Fifth Dwyco Office Supplies, 129 E. Fifth St. (formerly Ogilvie's Dept. Store, built in 1912)
Commercial Bldg. W Fifth opposite 114 W. Fifth
Bink's Pet Shop, 108-110 West Fifth
Ohio Power Co. (Liverpool Motor Car Co.) 114 W. Fifth
Sturgis Funeral Home, 122 W. Fifth
A. S. Fricano, Inc. 123 W. Fifth
Queen Anne style house, Pottery Pregnancy Center, 124 W. Fifth
Graham & Wagner Monuments, 133 W. Fifth
First Baptist Church, 225 W. Fifth
St. Aloysius School, W. Fifth between Jefferson and Monroe Sts.
St. Aloysius Rectory, 231 W. Fifth
St. Aloysius Catholic Church, NE corner of W. Fifth, Jefferson
Eastlake Style Building (Appletree), 313 W. Fifth
First United Methodist Church, SW corner of Fifth and Jackson, built in 1921 on the site originally donated in 1836 by Wm. G. Smith of the Fawcett family
Residence, 337 W. Fifth (?No such address?)
Fourth St.
Neville Building, cosmetology academy, 128 E. Fourth St. (Believed constructed for John Neville family of the "0llie Neville" ferry operation.
East Liverpool Review, 210 E. Fourth St. Art Deco style, built in 1949
Kent State University, E. Fourth, Broadway (former E. Liverpool High School, built by school district in 1914 at a cost of $114,500. Sold to Kent in 1968 for $1.)
First Church of Christ (Disciples), NE Corner of E. Fourth, College; an ornate, Greek-columned white brick structure with dome, built in 1912.
George Phillips residence, 133 W. Fourth
Vernacular style residence, 139 W. Fourth
Fourth McNicol residence, 346 W. Fourth
Other Areas
Itahanate style residence, 425-427 E. Grant St.
Calvary Methodist Church (1st Meth. Protestant) Jackson St. near 6th
Multi-family residence, 17-319 Jackson St. Morton residence, 411 Jefferson
Scafide's Market, NW corner of Jefferson,
Fourth Residential Building, 718-720 Lincoln Ave.
Queen Anne style building (John Pattison), 735 Lincoln Ave.
Former Sayre Electric, (Gamble's Drug Store) 401 Market St.
Keys Co. Building, (Trotter Chevrolet, now Sayre) 408-412 Market
Book & Bible (Resnick's Furniture, Larkin's Restaurant) 417 Market
Camera Mart (Liberal Credit Clothing), 419 Market
L. & B. Doughnut (Stier Jewelry), 420 Market
Photographer (Lowe Building, Diamond Hotel), 522 Market
(Wm. Smith residence), 258 Ninth St.
Queen Anne style residence, 315 E. Ninth
Vernacular style residence, 324-326 E. Ninth
(Rev. Lewis Dawson) residence, 249 Pennsylvania Ave.
George West residence, 257 Pennsylvania
Lustron house, 1611 Pennsylvania
(Wasbutsky residence), 226 W. Seventh St.
(John Thomas residence), 227 W. Seventh Residential building, 244 W. Seventh
(Ogilvie residence), 257 W. Seventh
(National Lunch, Grandma's Ceramics) 127 E. Sixth St.
(American Cash Grocer, Halloway Drugs), 133 E. Sixth St.
Apartments, 140-142 W. Sixth St.
(Jesse Rankin residence), 341 W. Sixth First Evangelical Presbyterian Church, SW corner Sixth, Jefferson
Milligan Hardware (eagle Hardware, 320 Smith St.
Milligan Hardware (Capehart Bros.) Smith St.
Church of God, (Grant St. School), NW corner St. Clair, Grant St.
Allen Apartments, 614 St. Clair
Tobin Law Offices (Carey Building), 617 St. Clair
Colonial Grill, 620 St. Clair
Oasis Cafe (Smith Hardware), 644 St. Clair
Orioles Club (J. T. Kelly, Confectioner) 649 St. Clair
Multi-family residence, 799-803 St. Clair
Greek Revival Bldg., 115W. Third St.
Multi-family residence, 420 Walnut St.
Commercial Bldg. (Betz Printing Co., 1915), S. Market St.
(C. W. Lowers Co., Grocers) 751 Webber Way
Ross Nursing Home (McKinley School) Ambrose at Riley Ave.
Apartment Building at 904-908 Avondale St.
Full Gospel Apostolic Church, Bradshaw Ave. opposite Riley
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