Our New Home
FOR a great many years the graduating class has been saying: "We are especially honored because we are the last to go from the old building." Every year the next class is thinking, "We shall be the first to enter the new building." But every time they have been deceived and both honors have been left for the best class, 1915. But then our class is one of distinction, so naturally that one must fall to us, too. Our distinction has sometimes been one of discredit according to some people, but that mostly happened in the old building and of course we have adopted the dignity worthy such a fine dwelling since we have entered it. And, too, our class is the only one left which had part in that canvassing of the town for votes on the school bond issue and we undo Jb tedly did our share, so this great honor is' not unmerited.
But now that we are in this magnificent structure there are a hundred obligations as well as privileges, placed upon us which former classes knew nothing about. We are expected to give entertainments and all sorts of things so that the public may have a chance of seeing our pretty auditorium, of which we are justly proud. There are no such things now as Sophomores standing around the wall in assembly and Freshmen being left out altogether. To compensate them for such disadvantages before, we now give the Freshmen the front seats, as children always sit up front. Also each class has had an opportunity to show how nice an entertainment it could get up in a week. It is a good thing there were no judges as to the best show, or a regular fight would have been on, as each one was the most excellent of its kind.
In the picture above you can see one of the "working forces" of our school, the Keramos staff, and also our lovely library so conveniently ( ?) placed next Miss Updegraff's office. A larger staff is necessary to run such a paper and it is hoped '16 will take heed to that counsel and add more departments.
Not the least to most people is the cooking department where we learn to use pure food and to cook it properly. We have set the precedent by including boys in our domestic science classes and next year they may have special classes for the gentlemen, but there is nothing like it, especially if you expect to be bachelors.
So now we bequeath all this beautiful building to the care of the class which is to follow. We have set the precendents for others, but many things are yet left for 1916 to undertake which it has been impossible for us to do. At the last we shall surrender even our caps and gowns, our name, and senioral dignity (Our New Home, KERAMOS, Vol. VI, May 1915, No. 6).
The Later Years
The "High School Building" was completed in 1914. It had 25 classrooms, an auditorium, a library, a gym in the basement and several offices. It served as part of the "High School complex until 1968.
A feature of the building was that offices and classrooms surrounded its core. That core consisted of two spaces. A gymnasium occupied the center of the basement floor and the center of the first floor. Directly above the gymnasium was the auditorium which occupied the second and third floors.
The above picture shows one of the fun characteristics of life at East Liverpool High School. The thrill of changing classes between three different buildings in any and all weather conditions with a very limited time period to do it in.
AUDITORIUM/STUDY HALLFrom the 1915 Keramos.The stage of the high school auditorium.
A picture it took us awhile to locate but here it is. Taken from the front looking to the back of the auditorium. This is from the 1815 Keramos.
In the late 1940s and very early 1950s pep rallies were still sometimes held in the high school auditorium. This picure is from the 1952 Keramos Yearbook.
An additional picture showing the old auditorium/study Hall. This the 1956 Keramos Yearbook. Studying, sleeping, sitting and standing--all are available in Study Hall.
Looking down from the balconey of Study Hall.
From the 1962 Keramos. The former auditorium now study hall in the High School building. The fluorescent lighting was added around 1962. The picture was taken from the balcony.
The Auditorium/Study Hall was located on the first floor, the floor accessed from East Fourth Street entrance. Today the former Auditorium/Study Hall has been remodeled and serves as the library for the ELO Kent State branch.
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