Magic Lantern #94 The M.P. Church
Magic Lantern #95 M. E. Tabernacle
Magic Lantern #95a. M. H. Tabernacle inside.
Magic Lantern #96. The Metsch Feed Mill First Street.
Magic Lantern #97. C. Metsch home on Second Street.
Magic Lantern #98. The Metsch home on Fourth Street. [This house still exists]
Magic Lantern #99.The Andresan on Parls Road. Near where the Riverview Greenhouse was.
Magic Lantern #100.
Magic Lantern #101. Pres. McKinley, Myron Herricks, at Mr. McKinley's farm.
Magic Lantern #102 Flood scene, near State Street.
Magic Lantern #103. Flood scene, near State Street.
Magic Lantern #104. Glass House Works fire flood of 1898. Specialty Glass Works in West End near the baseball stadium and near where Patterson field would eventually be.
Magic Lantern #105. Ruins of Glass House Works
Magic Lantern #106 old streetcar viaduct at West End. Sixth Street School and hospital at top of hill. Hospital on the right Sixth Street School on the left.
Magic Lantern #107. Streetcar Bridge over Jethro Hollow. The road was located to the right. Only streetcars crossed the bridge. Note wooden structure.
Magic Lantern #108 Pioneer pottery of East Liverpool Ohio the Bennett pottery
Magic Lantern #109 The California Pottery located in California Hollow
Magic Lantern #109a The California Hollow area McDevitt & Moore Pottery
Magic Lantern #110 is missing from the set. Magic Lantern #111. The Sebring Pottery. Second and Market Street present site of Milliron company.
Magic Lantern #112. 1900 The West Harwick Pottery corner of 4th and Walnut. Later owned by Halls and now location of Memorial Auditorium.
Magic Lantern #113 Railroad bridge over dry run in Oakland. Pottery and background is Sebring, later Smith and Phillips
Magic Lantern #114. Dresden pottery where Bergner's filling station was.
CONTINUE TO Dr. Birkett's Historical Slides of East Liverpool, Ohio 6
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