This list is probably not complete at this time. We would greatly appreciate being informed of anyone we do not have on this list at this time. (Nov. 21, 2012)
Kathy Disch (1979) West Liberty, basketball.
Robin Henderson (1982) Mount Union, Volleyball.
Kim Augur (1983) Ohio State track scholarship.
Amy McCormack, (1984) Mount Union, Volleyball one year and because of injury, cheerleading the rest of the time she was there.
Amy Hutchman (1985) Mount Union, basketball.
Lori Schmidbauer (1986) Cheerleader at West Liberty.
Robin Sayre (1986) Bethany, Volleyball, Softball, Basketball.
Lori Bowersock (1988) Bethany, basketball.
Courtney Johnson, (1989) Muskingham, Volleyball.
Wendy Baker (1989) Wheeling Jesuit College, basketball.
Jenny McVay (1991) Ashland, softball.
Kerry McKenzie (1991)[not sure what school she went to] soccer.
Lisa Claypool (1997) Kent State, cross country and track.
Nicole R. Taylor (1999) Notre Dame College of Ohio, soccer and basketball.
Alicia Copestick (2001) Michigan State, swimming.
Molly Klink (2003)Thiel, where she played volleyball for three seasons
Brianne Bishop (2005) Carlow University, Volleyball
Emily Mahon (2009) played volleyball one season at Bethany.
Ceirra Moxley 2008)Owens Community College ,in Toledo ,Ohio, basketball
Brittany Tomaselli (2009) Penn-State Beaver, Basketball
The Review Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Maggie Mcllvain (2010) Wittenberg, Cross County
Samantha Hilditch (2010) Wheeling Jesuit, swimming
Hali Desarro (2010) Penn State, Beaver Valley Campus. Basketball, 2 years.
Kristen Cowart (2011) Capital University, Basketball
Kelly Kiger (2012) Cleveland State, volleyball.
Freshman Kelly Kiger, a 2012 East Liverpool graduate, has seen some time on the court this year for the Cleveland State volleyball team. The Review Wednesday, November 28, 2012
June, 16, 2013
It has been brought to our attention that Dr. Robin Sayre-Pietryk is being inducted into the Bethany College Athletic Hall Of Fame during Bethany College Homecoming Weekend, September 27-28, 2013. Dr. Robin Sayre-Pietryk is a 1986 graduate of ELHS and a member of the ELHS Athletic Hall Of Fame. Apparently she was nominated this past winter.
We were informed that the Athletic Director at Bethany College told her that it was long over due, that it was a unanimous selection made more remarkable since it was her first time on the ballot. Robin attended Bethany College from 1986 -1989.
We had interviewed Robin via phone in late May and early June 1912. Here is that interview:
Growing up, From "Tomboy" to Successful Head Women's Volleyball Coach at a Div III College.
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