This past Saturday morning, April 4 2015, at 10 AM we spent roughly an hour photographing the interior of this house. We thank Michael Trew for setting this up and the Hilbert Real estate agency. There was the regular cast of villains, Juanita Ruffner, Jeff Langdon, myself. We were joined by Tim Brookes, his mother and father, Michael Trew and his wife and Tait Hilbert. We thank Tait Hilbert for permitting us to photograph the interior.
FYI: In different places you may find two different spellings. Surles or Surls. Both refer to the same family, same people. Timothy R. Brookes wrote in his article THREE SONS FOR THE UNION By Timothy R. Brookes. 26th Annual Tri-State Pottery Festival Plate Turners Handbook June 17, 18, 19, 1993:
Surles (the "e" was added to the surname by William after the war) . . .
This is a portion of a page from the East Liverpool and Salem City Directory, 1898-1899 by R. L. Polk & Co. Publishers Times Building, Pittsbuergh, PA. Note that the address given for The home of Wm H, Surles & family is 150 #rd Street. The addresses of houses changed in 1900 in East Liverpool. The Serles house which was 150 3rd Street in 1898 became 215 East 3rd Street in
EL History. Home of William Surls (3rd Street) Circa 1895. Courtesy of Carnegie LIbrary
The house was built in 1892. Whether Wm Surles built the house on 3rd Street himself or had it built is not cetain at this point in time. He was capapble of building the house himself as indicated in this excerpt:
Shortly after their discharges, Harry and William relocated to East Liveifpool where both became contractors specializing in pottery and kiln construction. Harry lost an arm in an accident in 1876. He was appointed as Posstmaster during the Hayes administration and served eight years. At the time of his death in 1889, he was engaged in the fire insurance business. William's post war career was similar to Harry's but with substantially more public recognition for his wartime service. After many years in the bricklaying and contracting business, William was made Postmaster by President William McKinley, serving thirteen years and overseeing the construction of an impressive new post office building at Fifth and Broadway. Source: THREE SONS FOR THE UNION By Timothy R. Brookes. 26th Annual Tri-State Pottery Festival Plate Turners Handbook June 17, 18, 19, 1993
Also unknown at this time is when he moved out of the 3rd Street House.
A little background on the Surles Brothers and William Surles.
I'll make these larger since the print didn't scan all that clear. This picture and the next two are of pages 459 -461 of History of Columbiana County, Ohio and Representative Citizens. William McCord Salem Ohio, 1905
This is a portion of a page from the East Liverpool City Directory, 1915-1916 by R. L. Polk & Co. Publishers 404 Central Nat'l Bank Building, Columbus, Ohio. Note that at that time Wm H. Surles lived with his son and daughter in law at 222 W. 7th Sreet. East Liverpool.
Medal of Honor Winner William H. Surles showing his GAR reunion badges outside of his home on Seventh Street.
This is located in Hanger Bay 2 on board the floating Museum USS YORKTOWN CVS -10, a WWII -Vietnam Essex Class Aircraft Carrier at Patriots Point, Mount Pleasant (Charleston) S.C.
Notice his name at the bottom far right.
This picture probably shows the house in the 1970's or 1980's.
Let's begin a walk around the house.
Some unique work here.
CONTINUE ON TO Home of William Surles 2
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