1882 1934 The J. A, Trotter company which owns and operates both The Trotter Hardware company and The Trotter Chevrotet company, was started in 1882, by J. A, Trotter the present head of the company, and his father, Mr. Atexander Trotter. The original store was located in Catciitta, Ohio, and was known as A. Trotter and Son, This business was first started with a stock of groceries valued at a little more than $450.00, and was located in a room of their home. Soon after, they purchased one of the villages* General Stores and later added a line of farm machinery. This increased the business to such extent that expansion was necessary, and the store was moved to a new location on St. Clair avenue. East Liverpool. This was in 1898. Later it became necessary to enlarge the quarters, and the present store on Dresden Avenue was acquired. The Trotter Chevrolet building was built in 1924, about 10 years after Trotter s had been handling Cherolet automobiles in East Liverpool. Trotter s are glad to be able to take part in this centennial celebration in East Liverpool and to assure all their old friends who attend the affair a hearty welcome at both stores. Also at the display of ancient and modern farm machinery which will he held on West 6th street opposite, the I. B. of O. P. building. The business principles, of quality merchandise at fair prices, prompt, cheerful and courteous service to every customer, which have builf this business, will be carried out faithfully in the future. October 6, 1934 The Evening Review from East Liverpool, Ohio · Page 80
Tri-State Supply, (Trotter's Building) 624 Dresden Ave.
Repairs being made after bricks fall from building March 12, 2013 By JO ANN BOBBY-GILBERT - East Liverpool Reporter (jgilbert@reviewonline.com) , The Review Save | EAST LIVERPOOL - A downtown business will be open as usual today despite having lost a portion of its brick facade over the weekend. About 16 courses of brick fell Saturday from the top of Tri-State Supplies on Dresden Avenue, tumbling to the sidewalk and into the street, luckily not hitting any passersby or damaging adjacent buildings. Owner Rick Dieringer said Monday, "It looked a lot worse than it was. Thankfully, no one was underneath it and got hurt."
Mike Pusateri Excavating was called in on Sunday to remove remaining loose brick from the building and clean up the brick and debris that had fallen to the street, which was blocked to traffic Saturday and remained so on Monday. Cowan Masonry and Al Hissom Roofing and Construction were on the scene Monday, making repairs to the building that Dieringer said he believes was built in the late 1800s to early 1900s. It originally housed Trotter's Hardware, whose sign is still painted on the side of the brick building. The glass windows in the storefront that escaped damage Saturday were bricked over Monday, and scaffolding was being erected by Hissom to begin the process of repairs, which he estimated might take a few weeks, depending on what an inspection shows.
"Until we put our hands on those columns, we don't know for sure," Mark Hissom said, referring to the two brick columns running on either side of the building's front wall.
Dieringer said some media reports erroneously had the building partially collapsing and doomed to demolition, but he said, "The four floors are not in the basement. The floors did not collapse inside the building. Nothing is going to be demolished." The damaged portion was covered Monday to prevent any further damage from the weather, which was blamed for the falling brick. Dieringer and Hissom said this winter's thawing and freezing cycle most likely caused the brick to loosen and fall, helped along by recent heavy winds.
The fourth floor where the damage occurred is used for storage and as a catch-all, according to Dieringer, who said he still conducted business Monday, but primarily shipping and receiving from the back entrance.
Courtesy of Shannon Langdon
The back of the building. The open door in the center is where we entered.
We entered on the first floor in the back, went a short distance and went down some stairs into the basement.
Some of the basement ceiling.
Shanno Langdon closest to the camera, Jeff Landgon in front of her.
Yucky camera took a fit.
CONTINUE TO Trotter Hardware Building2
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