Co. E. Leaving for Spanish-American War from glass plate taken by Harry Webb. April 25, 1898.
Burned down RR Warehouse right after fire across tracks from 2nd Street. Picture and text courtesy of Eddie Hedrick.
Long Warehouse burnt down in the 1950's Picture and text courtesy of Eddie Hedrick.
Train switching station on 2nd Street. Looking up broadway about 1954. Picture and text courtesy of Eddie Hedrick.
Millirons on River at bottom of Union St. Picture and text courtesy of Eddie Hedrick.
Excursion boat leaving wharf area. Picture and text courtesy of Eddie Hedrick.
Manhattan Cafe, Inside view. Wurlitzer 800 JukeBox. 1944-45. Picture and text courtesy of Eddie Hedrick.
Velma and Bob Freed - owners and my grandparents Robert Suthein & William Brewer Bartenders. Gracie Martin Waitress. Aboput 1944-45 Manhattan Cafe 300 East 2nd Street. Picture and text courtesy of Eddie Hedrick.
Eddie and Gloria Hedrick. Riding "Sandy" in Manhattan Cafe on E 2nd Street. Horse was later sold to Ogilvie's department store. 1954-55. Picture and text courtesy of Eddie Hedrick.
Puck Bowler Leaque. Bars played against each other. Bob Freed (Grandfather back on right). 1955. Picture and text courtesy of Eddie Hedrick.
Lunch Counter 1955. Milliorn Workers at lunch theere. Notice the Fort Pitt clock. Maxine Ruble with hair band. Picture and text courtesy of Eddie Hedrick.
3rd Street Drum and Bugle Corp. John Carnes, Mary Jane Carnes, Eddie Hedrick, in front. Joe Blystone in back. About 1954-55. Picture and text courtesy of Eddie Hedrick.
City Directory 1941
City Directory 1941
326 Smith's Dick Body Shop
Short al Intersects
City Directory 1958
City Directory 1970
City Directory 1979
City Directory 1988
A walking tour with Harold Barth of Thompson Place and Second Street to Market Street.
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