East Liverpool Area YMCA
History of the YMCA
Written by Catherine S. Vodrey
The old YMCA Building as it looked in 2010.
The Gym.
The Hi-Y battling the Key Club at their January basketball competition. Although the Key Club put up a fight the Hi-Y beat them with a final score 43 to 33. (1963 Keramos)
There were times when the YMCA and the High School had joint events such as this basketball game between the girls and boys.
The boys had to wear boxing gloves and fancy head gear to even out the competition.
The Pool.
This is one area we hope to get additional photographs of. While the pool would be empty since no longer in use we hope that the area is in good enough shape to spark memories of those who used that pool in days gone by.
We are always looking for additional photographs that anyone might like to donate or allow us to scan and post here. Such photographs would be returned after scanning.
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