Since we are combining two buildings I will add thos URL at this point in time. It will become clearer when we get to Part 11.
Upstairs on the second floor. It is a bit hard to get your bearings here. This is at the top of steps from the store area to the second floor. The fact that there are windows across the space it means we were facing the front or rear of the store. It was pitch black. The man who let us into the building said her had been on the second floor the day before and it as bad. The floor was far from stable, the mess on the floor from pigeons was bad, there were pigeon waste, eggs, even baby pigeons. We didn't venture any further then the top of the stairs. One place I stepped gave way enough I knew I didn't want to go any further.
Looking to the west on the second floor.
Looking to the west on the second floor.
Looking down the hallway towards the front of the building. Those would have been the windows on the front on the left side of the front of the building when facing the building from the sidewalk.
The back of the building. The interesting drainage system can be seem in its rotign condition. It is possible that the destruction of this building orginally began with the gutters being full of dirt, debris, etc causing water to back up on the roof becoming standing water which in time found a way down into the building. That in turn began the leaking, dripping water, the mold buildup, the rotting of wood. Of course the fact that pigeons found entrance obvioulsy compounded the problems.
A slightly different angle.
That walkway was between Ogilvie's Department Store and the second floor of the Woolworth's building where the Ogilvie's Domestics/Fabric Department once was.
This came about totally by accident. I had gone downtown takes exterior pictures of the Carnegie public library. I had parked on Washington Street between fourth and fifth. When I was done I came back and started to put the camera in the trunk of my car when I noticed a couple guys wearing hard hats going into the Ogilvie building. Put the camera in the trunk with the trunk lid down and wandered on up to the Ogilvie building. I walked in and standing there in the hallway was the then Mayor Jim Swogger, another guy in dress clothes. I said I was with the East Liverpool historical society and was wondering if I could take pictures of the interior of the building. The guy in dress clothes said no it wasn't safe. Former mayor said, "Let him take pictures. They do a good job with that website they have."
The guy said okay and told me to follow him so he could introduce me to the construction foreman. We found him and he introduced me and I thank everyone involved. I ran out down the street to get my camera. I go the camera, returned and began taking pictures that you see here today. For once I was in the right place at the right time.
CONTINUE ON TODepartment Store4
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