I didn't venture out very far in the basement. I didn't have a flashlight and after taking as many pictures as I did often time using the flash, I didn't know how much battery I had left. It was pitch black down there. The sound of dripping water pretty evident and the black mold on the walls going down wasn't so inviting either. So I took these from the base of the stair case. If they have a open house before the school opens I will try to get some more pictures of the basement area.
Appears to be black mold.
The remaninig pictures are of what I took of the basement.
The Ogilvie's Building and Woolworth Building will once more come to life in the fall of 2016 as the East Liverpool branch of The New Castle School of Trades. http://www.ncstrades.edu/
The workers began work on the remodling of both the former Woolworth/General building and the former Ogilvie's about October 29, 2015 to meet the requirements that the New Csstle School of Trades needed.
The Ground Breaking Ceremony for the New Castle School of Trades in East Liverpool, Ohio, October 30, 2016.
Current Mayor Ryan Stovall.
Former Mayor Swoger
Scott Shepard
UPDATE - MARCH 3, 2016
A reminder what the Woolworh building looked like in May 2013' http://www.eastliverpoolhistoricalsociety.org/Woolgeneral.htm
Former Woolworth Building. Picture taken from the East 5th Street eastern entrance,
Returning to the former Ogilvie's Building.
CONTINUE TO Ogilvie's Department Store11