East Liverpool Historical Society



Fast Forward to 2011

What roughly 52 years can do. The grouping of those three pictures at the end of Part 1 indicate what this specific portion of the lower end of W. 4th Street looked like as late as 1960. The view was from next to the Toll booth section of the Newell Bridge. The following pictures were taken from the same area. Of course they look quite different now. About the only thing that you can even remotely recognize is part of a wall that once ran along the north side of West 4th Street.



Back to the past

Moving towards East towards Monroe. Odd thing about the house above is that the door on the west side at the end of the front porch carried a 436 W 4th Street address. The front door carried a 438 W 4th Street number and the door on the porch on the western side of the house had a 440 W 4th Street address.

The yard on the eastern side of the house above and it is bordered by that white cottage we have previously mentioned.

A look back up the street. That is West Alley crossing W 4th Street on the left back there. On the right you can see a little of the top of The duplex at 422-420 W 4th Street.

A little better view from the bridge.

Here is the unfortunate part of this. Unlike the north side of the street where we pretty much have some form of photograph representation of all of the structures on that side that south side of the street has a gap where there are no photographs to fill in. There are no pictures that we presently have access to that shows the following houses: 416, 410 and 406. We do have pictures of the houses located at 404, 402-400 though. This is a view looking back towards the bridge. While the bridge isn't visible all the previous houses we have seen on the south side has some portion of them visible except the cottage. In this picture we have 418, 420-422, 424, West Alley, 426, 428 430 and a tiny portion of the roof of 436 W 4th Street.

This picture shows the end of the block. The house nearest to the camera is 404 W 4th Street and the duplex next to on the corner of Monroe and W 4th is 402-400 W 4th Street.

A better look at the duplex. 400-402 W 4th.

Those two houses look in pretty good shape don't they. They have over the years had work done on them. These picture are from 2011 but those are the exact same two dwellings that sat in that exact same spot going back to at least the early 1900's, maybe further back.



Fast Forward to 2011

If you were standing in this exact spot facing this direction in 1960 this is what you would be seeing at least in part:

Looking to your right up West Alley.

And if you walked up West Alley a short distance and looked back this would be your present view.

Turning around looking eastward this is what is left of the 400 Block of W 4th Street.

The south side of the street.

CONTINUE TO 400 Block West Fourth Street 3


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