A little minor, somewhat comical controversy "erupted" recently in East Liverpool.
The Story. A short while ago there was a quote in the newspaper made by the mayor regarding bricks being paved over on East fourth street. For some reason the EL Historical Society was blamed for somehow blocking past efforts to pave over bricks in this area.
City street projects set for 2015 start
The ELHS was not involve in any such controversy which Tim Brookes, the President of the ELHS, spelled out in a letter to the editor.
This past Saturday afternoon, August 17, 2013, a staff member of the Historical Society Web Site was at Patterson Field to take our own pictures of the 2013 Potter Football team for the High Sports section on our EL Historical Society web site. The oldest HS water boy in America was there taking pictures as well. I speak fondly of Frank Dawson, who actually calls himself by that name when it comes to ELHS Potter football.
The topic of discussion got onto bricks and it was Frank Dawson who told us about the real original hisorical bricks, which BTW are not on East 4th Street, and which have had part of them paved over in the past. [Personal opinion here, if there is ever a repaving of Broadway I think at the least they should pull a Indianapolis 500 trick there and leave few rows of these original bricks exposed . Maybe add one of those historical Markers at that point on the sidewalk explaining what makes these bricks original and special].
The following pictures are of the type of bricks that are found on East 4th Street between Market st and a little past Washington St.
The following pictures are of the type of bricks that are found on East 4th Street primarily between the ELHS Alumni Association and the Carnegie Library
The following pictures show the bricks that Frank Dawson was talking about and are the special historical bricks. Frank Dawson said that one side of the bricks were beveled allowing the horses shoes to drop into that space which would have placed the back (going uphill) or front (going downhill) of the horseshoe against the straight edge of one side of the brick in the next row of bricks, giving the horse better traction.
You have to look close to see it but you can see that beveled edge. These bricks are not on East Forth Street. They are on Broadway above the paved section coming up the Broadway Hill. I'll add one more picture here. It appears as if someone painted the beveled part of this brick yellow
Therer was probably a good chance that this type of brick was used on all bricked streets that were on hills.